Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, March 30, 2013

What a difference a year makes, and oh, how our lives have changed. It's difficult to remember what it was like before Maddie came along. I can honestly say that this may have been the fastest year of my life.

Last year, Easter weekend, the Hud and me (7 1/2 months pregnant with Maddie).

This year, Easter weekend, Maddie, me and the Hud.

Maddie and I have both been a bit under the weather, though I think perhaps I got the worst of it and have really felt pretty awful the last few days. Finally, today I started feeling a little better, so out we went into this beautiful, beautiful weather to enjoy the day. Here are some other pics from this mornings venture out.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Here baby!"

If these photos had audio, here's what you would hear:

"Here, baby!"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

If this is not a spitting image of her daddy, I don't know what is.

And if this isn't one silly goose...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Farmer's Market-Ballard

One of the things I love about Seattle, is that it's kind of like New York in the sense that it's actually quite small, but it's got a whole bunch of little neighborhoods within it, each with it's own greatness. In New York, you've got Soho, Chelsea, Grammercy Park, Midtown, Upper East side, and my personal favorite, the Upper West Side, to name a few.

Well, here in Seattle you've got all of these great little neighborhoods, too, each with their own greatness. Magnolia, Greenlake, West Seattle, Phinney Ridge, Ballard, and my personal favorite, Queen Anne, to name a few.

Hudson's school is across the Ballard bridge from us, in Phinney Ridge. Both Ballard and Phinney are great little neighborhoods, but I have to say, Ballard is really growing on me and after our trip to the Farmer's Market this morning, I continue liking it more and more.

I have really missed living near a Farmer's Market. Ok, they DO have one in Dallas but it is NOT the same as the ones I grew up with in California. Not even close. I am so excited that we live near a year-round farmer's market in Ballard! It was really, really great. BTW- Queen Anne does have a Farmer's Market down the street from us but it's only June-October.

Hudson and Madeline both had a good time at the Farmer's Market. Hudson really liked this little boy who was basically a juggling master and he loved the toy store we popped into. Maddie loved the mini cinnamon-sugar doughnuts, I mean LOVED them. I'm pretty sure Hudson has never had a doughnut, and I'm also pretty sure that won't change any time soon.

It was a beautiful day in Seattle.

Friday, March 22, 2013


This morning we got SNOW in Seattle.


It's the end of March!
It's officially Spring!

This is gonna take some getting used to...

This morning's conversation regarding SNOW with Hudson:

H: Mom, it's snowing outside.
Me: What? It's not snowing?!?!? (walking toward window)
H: It is, Mommy, it's snowing!
H: It's Christmas time! It's Christmas time! Is today Christmas Eve?
Me: (smiling) Well, no, honey, it's not Christmas Eve. In Texas, where we used to live, it did snow on Christmas Eve, but here, in Seattle, where we live now, it snows more than it did in Texas, so sometimes it snows on other days, days that aren't Christmas Eve or Christmas.
H: (looking confused) But, it's snowing, mommy, that means it's Christmas Eve!


He then proceeded to sing Jingle Bells the entire way to school.
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A little crazy

Some days I go a little crazy with the camera. Today was one of those days. Prepare yourself, there are a lot of pics. Enjoy them!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hi, I'm Maddie AKA A Big Handful!


You can't leave me unattended for even a second. My favorites include, knocking things over, making messes, playing in the dog water, opening kitchen cabinets, eating any kind of paper I can get my hands on and climbing. Look out world, here I come!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bainbridge Island

So, Hudson has this book, Larry Gets Lost in Seattle. Not only is it one of his favorite books, but it's also a sort-of "checklist" of places we should go to in Seattle. Well, in Hud's opinion anyways.

After today we can check the "Washington State Ferries" off of our list.

Hudson LOVED the ferry. I mean, he really, really LOVED the ferry. You can see for yourself in the pics below.

We had a really enjoyable day on Bainbridge Island and especially enjoyed seeing my family. I have to say, there's just something special about that island, for me, anyways. It's incredibly beautiful and it just has a really neat vibe to it, and I love that it's very family friendly and kid friendly- two things that are big selling features for us these days.