Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, February 21, 2013

There are days, many actually, where I feel so in awe of my kids. In awe of their innocence and curiosity about the world. In awe of their innate goodness, their sweet, gentle souls, untarnished and new.

I'm often jealous of how simple and joyful it is to just be a child. No major life decisions, no stress, no worries, just sleep, eat, play and sleep, eat, play some more. Life is good when you're young.
When you're lucky, like me, to be with them all the time you're sort of reminded of what's important in life, and what's not. It's different for everyone, but for me, the most important thing in my life, right now at this very moment is being present for my kids. Taking the time to sit with them, make eye contact, listen to them, teach them, guide them, laugh with them, be silly, play with them, hold them tight and kiss their precious little faces. There really is no better place to be.

Be still my heart...

She cracks me up with her cup!

Dr. Hudson in the house.
Rody, Spotty, Lightning McQueen, Jon (AKA buttons) and Lovey
 were all diagnosed with a train and a ball in their ears.
It's going around.
Make sure you get your ears checked. 

Beautiful girl.
Everyone thinks she looks just like her daddy.

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