Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The "new" park

Hudson is missing a few things about Dallas and here they are in the order in which they've been mentioned:

1. His school and Sylvie (breaks my heart)
2. Coffee Park (man, that was a great park indeed!)
3. The sun. Ah, the sun...

Well, I can't do much about #1 up there. Or #2 or #3 either. What I can do is discover new parks, which we have already done. We wait patiently for the sun, and when it appears we take full advantage immediately! Which is what we did this morning, at the "new" park, because all parks have a name you know. And this one comes with a view.

Yep. A view. A spectacular view. 



I, Hudson, do solemnly swear...

Sometimes we sit here and try to count the school buses,
see them, waaaaaayyyy out there?

Hudson said today there were 8.

And he looked so cute saying it that I took another picture of him sitting there.

No trip to the park is complete without a ball.

We were the only ones there for a while.
When Hudson heard some kids coming
to the park he got so excited he said,
"Mommy, I'm gonna go say hi to them!"
And he did.
He makes me so very proud.


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