Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Needed: Double Stroller, ASAP

Walking around our hilly neighborhood today we decided the double stroller is in our immediate future.

Well, the stress and exhaustion of moving across the country is catching up with all of us, as is evidenced by the photo below- which might just be my worst photo ever. Can you tell I'm tired? And, as a side note, I'm not sure my hair is digging the Seattle drizzly rain. I guess I need to get used to the disheveled look.

The dogs made it up to Seattle yesterday, gosh we really missed them! It's so nice to have them back with us. Now our family is complete again.

Could this little face be any cuter, I mean, really?!

Really, really?!?!? How can you not smile looking at this face?

Or this one for that matter. 

Somehow the Hud ended up with a bedroom with a view.
This is the view out of his window.
See that little bit of water there kind-of in the middle of the photo?
Yeah, that's just the Puget Sound. Nothin' special. 

Our sweet pups.
Wet, very wet, muddy paws are in our future.
And it's worth it.
These are some AWESOME dogs.

Gloomy weather and all, it sure is a beautiful- stunningly beautiful- city, this Seattle.

At Pike's place market with my dear friend, Maggie who drove Scott's car
with Willy Wonka and Dulce in tow all the way from Dallas to Seattle.
What an amazing friend.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Birthday Brunch at 5 Spot

Celebrating my birthday with the ones I love!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Day

It was our first full day in Seattle, we took our time getting up- which was SO NICE after many, many days of rushing out the door to get on the road as fast as humanly possible. We drove around our new neighborhood and learned that within a few blocks- an easy walking distance- is a yoga studio (YIPPEE!), a coffee shop (shocker, I know) and a spa (yes, a spa- as in mani/pedi, massage/facial)- DOUBLE YIPPEE!! WE LOVE our new neighborhood, I mean LOVE it. It could not be cuter. Also within walking distance are small local little shops- bakeries, hardware stores, grocery stores, tons of adorable little restaurants, a plethora of yoga studios, little league baseball fields, parks, and coffee. I mean lots and lots and lots of coffee. We're in love. Someone pinch us!

The pics below were taken in our vacant rental house, they aren't great, but they're still pretty cute.
Furniture arrives tomorrow, we should be living there on Wednesday.

This one was in a local diner we had a late breakfast at today. Hud isn't into smiling for the camera anymore. Ah, independence. Sometimes you love it, sometimes you don't.

Monday, January 21, 2013


We made it!! We're here, it's strange in some ways. Scott and I were both saying it feels like we're on vacation, but we're not. We're home.

Today was BY FAR my favorite day, not only because we made it to Seattle, but because the drive was, in my opinion, the most beautiful. Just absolutely gorgeous. As tough as it was, I am so glad we did this. Being able to see the country like this was just a really special experience. Here are my pics from the road today- Couer D'Alene, Idaho to Seattle.

Day 5

Somehow I picked up a 100 degree fever on the road. It was a long day, but again, absolutely stunning! Sorry I don't have pics of the kids today, but I do have some from the road- drove Idaho Falls through Montana into Couer D'Alene and heading to bed ASAP. Seattle, aka: home, tomorrow!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Stunning landscapes and stir crazy kiddos, that's what you should know about day 4....we drove from Rock Springs, Wyoming to Idaho Falls, Idaho today. The drive was incredibly beautiful. Hope you enjoy the pics!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 3

Day 3, not as good as day 2, not as bad as day 1. We're making our way a little at a time...

We tried a local restaurant for dinner. Big mistake.
After waiting an hour for our food, we left.
This is how we all felt about it.
Note to self: when on the road, stick with what you know.

This was actually a pic from day 2, see how much happier we are here.

There's our little teether. Our non-sleeping, teether. 

Not all moments are fun. Here's proof.

It sure is pretty, though.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 2- Amarillo to Colorado Springs

Day 2, way, way better than day 1. I hope we're onto something with improvements each day.