Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This morning Maddie and I were out and about, we took the first photo below in the minivan during one of our stops. Then, this afternoon we took Hudson to Coffee Park. I've learned lately that I must completely and totally wear out my son if I want him to fall asleep at night. This has proven tricky lately. Have you ever tried chasing a toddler while wearing an infant in an infant carrier? Take my word for it, it isn't easy. I tried it today, and several days before today. In doing so I provided some entertainment for other park go-ers.

Ah,'s the things I never thought I'd do.

Good times, though. Really.
The best.
Despite the days that are very trying in many ways, I love being a mom. I really, really do.

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