Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Yesterday at Coffee Park a little girl named Alex came up to me and asked me is she could be Hudson's friend (awwwwww!). It was about the sweetest, cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Here's how I recall the conversation:

Alex: "Do you think I could be his friend?"
Me: "Yes, of course, I think he would like that very much."
Alex: "Well, do you know how old he is, because I'm 4 1/2."
Me: "Yes, I do. He's going to be three in a few weeks!"
Alex: "So, he's 2."
Me: "Yes, he's 2, but really he's closer to 3 because he has a birthday in a few weeks and then he'll be 3".
Alex: "Yes, but now he's 2."
Me: "Yes, yes he is...."

I love kids.

Once we got the details out of the way, they proceeded to run and chase each other around the park and play together and it was just such a happy and joyful moment for me.  Hudson is typically very shy and reserved, never one to initiate playing with others, though he loves to watch the other kids, especially the older ones. So when Alex approached us and Hudson obliged, it was really, really neat.

She helped him climb all the way up and then down a rock climbing structure, coaching him the whole way, it was so, so cute. Then they went over to the bongos, she played them while Hudson danced and when she stopped playing Hudson was supposed to "freeze". It was awesome. This went on for a while and then they switched. Hudson played the music while she danced and then froze when the music stopped. So, so fun to watch. They actually acquired quite the crowd of spectators. I wish my phone had been more cooperative, apparently I have too many photos on it (imagine that) and it wouldn't let me take any more pics, so I was only able to get this one, but it's a good one, I think. What a happy time at the park. I am so glad we had kids!

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