Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, November 16, 2012

Survival and Light

We did it.
We made it.
We survived.
Four very long days and three even longer nights.

There is light at the end of the tunnel this morning, Scott is coming home. He's been gone all week traveling and I've been here all by myself for the first time with both kids. If I didn't already (and I'm pretty sure I do), I know now how lucky I am to have such an incredible partner in raising our children. Scott is so much a part of our daily routines that when he leaves it's just a whole different ball game. I have no idea how single moms do this day in and day out, especially those without any family nearby. I think about all of those women in the military who do this for months on end, completely alone and I think... they deserve some kind of medal of their own. When your children outnumber you, it's never easy. Especially when they're both still so dependent on you for so much.

In some ways, I guess I'm glad to have experienced this week. It makes me appreciate the life I have even more, the wonderful marriage, partnership and friendship I have with Scott, and the incredible family we have created together. Sometimes this kind of week comes along just to remind you of things like that, at least that's the way I look at it. I think of all the people out there who are struggling every day just to keep their heads above water and I think, I've got it pretty good, even on the "bad" days...I've got it pretty darn good, and my beautiful children (even if one of them is a huge stinker most of the time!) are reminders of that every single day.

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