Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Apparently, when I'm excited about something and I write about it on the blog, I totally and completely ruin it. I jinx it. Madeline sleeps one night from 8pm-5am and then never again. Now she's waking every 2-3 hours. I admit, we haven't "sleep trained" her. We're on a different path this time around and I'm not sure what's going to happen at this point. Needless to say, I was happy about the ONE time she did it, so I wrote about it on the blog aaaaaannnnnnnddddd that was the end of that.

Then, I believe it was my last post, I wrote about how the time change has actually worked in our favor this time around. Ha. Well, as soon as I decide to tell you all about it, Hudson reverts back to his old ways with a serious case of the "I can't sleeps" every night. GEEZ.

Can't a girl catch a break every once in a while?

So, from here on out, I will no longer write about anything.

Alright, alright, ok...I'l write. I will. But it won't be about anything good.

Just kidding. Well, a little anyway.

Here we are at coffee park this afternoon. I love it when we're all together. I am still in awe every day that Scott and I have created this amazing family. We did it. We're doing it. We are so very fortunate in so many ways and I am reminded of that every single day.

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