Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, November 30, 2012

Yesterday while Madeline was napping Hudson and I played outside. He told me that he wanted to wave to all the cars as they drove by. So he sat on the step and waved to every single one. Only two people didn't wave back. Bah-humbugs! We also managed to squeeze in a game of peek-a-boo at the Hud's request. He changes every single week. So much. So, so much. He is such a tremendous joy to be around and he makes me laugh every day. Love this kid!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6 months

Our little angel is 6 months old this week and today she had her 6 month check-up. Not surprisingly she is greater than 95% in both height and weight, weighing in at 19 pounds and 7 ounces and measuring 27.5 inches long. She is a big girl and she's growing waaaaaayyyyy too fast for my liking. In comparison, the Hud was also in the greater than 95% in both height and weight at his 6 month check-up, he weighed 22 pounds and measured in at 27.5 inches as well. Tall daddy's make tall babies. Today I made Hudson's 3 year check-up appointment. I can't believe it.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Lights

Yesterday we (okay, Scott) took on the outdoor Christmas lights installation. Having only done this once since we moved into this house, we grossly underestimated the number of lights we would need for this project. Therefore, our halfway decorated yard will have to suffice until next weekend when we can pick up where we left off. We had fun watching though!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Decorating the Tree

This weekend we decorated our Christmas tree.
Maddie was in awe of the lights, and of course she smiled the entire time.


This was the first year the Hud really got involved
 with decorating the tree.


Since he was excited about it, we decided it was time for 
Hudson to choose some new ornaments for the tree.
His choices will not surprise you.
Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We had kind of a quiet day on Thanksgiving, so we thought we'd go out and get our tree. As you might imagine, Hudson was pretty excited to do this, and in watching him I was again reminded of just how exciting EVERYTHING is when you're a kid. Christmas is, of course, at the top of the list of exciting things, for most kids anyways. This year is really going to be a lot of fun with the Hud.

At dinner we all took turns saying what we're thankful for this year, and just so you all know, the Hud is thankful for his trains and his cars. Yep, that's it. But hey, he's thankful!

Tis' the season.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a beautiful Thanksgiving day here in Dallas, a beautiful day for a walk. It's been a long time, long, long time since we walked our dogs. Since January in fact, when we were attacked by the stray pitbulls. We have been a bit frightened after that incident and therefore haven't attempted to get out there again. Today we decided to try it (fully armed, mind you) and I'm really glad we did. It was nice to get out and the dogs were so happy to walk again. Here's to more walks in our future!

Me with our human children. Note:My hair doesn't usually resemble Donald Trump's. It was windy.
Scott with our canine children. They were so happy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Yesterday at Coffee Park a little girl named Alex came up to me and asked me is she could be Hudson's friend (awwwwww!). It was about the sweetest, cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Here's how I recall the conversation:

Alex: "Do you think I could be his friend?"
Me: "Yes, of course, I think he would like that very much."
Alex: "Well, do you know how old he is, because I'm 4 1/2."
Me: "Yes, I do. He's going to be three in a few weeks!"
Alex: "So, he's 2."
Me: "Yes, he's 2, but really he's closer to 3 because he has a birthday in a few weeks and then he'll be 3".
Alex: "Yes, but now he's 2."
Me: "Yes, yes he is...."

I love kids.

Once we got the details out of the way, they proceeded to run and chase each other around the park and play together and it was just such a happy and joyful moment for me.  Hudson is typically very shy and reserved, never one to initiate playing with others, though he loves to watch the other kids, especially the older ones. So when Alex approached us and Hudson obliged, it was really, really neat.

She helped him climb all the way up and then down a rock climbing structure, coaching him the whole way, it was so, so cute. Then they went over to the bongos, she played them while Hudson danced and when she stopped playing Hudson was supposed to "freeze". It was awesome. This went on for a while and then they switched. Hudson played the music while she danced and then froze when the music stopped. So, so fun to watch. They actually acquired quite the crowd of spectators. I wish my phone had been more cooperative, apparently I have too many photos on it (imagine that) and it wouldn't let me take any more pics, so I was only able to get this one, but it's a good one, I think. What a happy time at the park. I am so glad we had kids!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Maddie has become a little more aware at almost 6 months of age, and therefore she is somewhat frightened when the Hud holds her, as is evident in these photos.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today we celebrate daddy's 37th birthday.
Cake courtesy of Society Bakery.
Candle decoration courtesy of the Hud.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Survival and Light

We did it.
We made it.
We survived.
Four very long days and three even longer nights.

There is light at the end of the tunnel this morning, Scott is coming home. He's been gone all week traveling and I've been here all by myself for the first time with both kids. If I didn't already (and I'm pretty sure I do), I know now how lucky I am to have such an incredible partner in raising our children. Scott is so much a part of our daily routines that when he leaves it's just a whole different ball game. I have no idea how single moms do this day in and day out, especially those without any family nearby. I think about all of those women in the military who do this for months on end, completely alone and I think... they deserve some kind of medal of their own. When your children outnumber you, it's never easy. Especially when they're both still so dependent on you for so much.

In some ways, I guess I'm glad to have experienced this week. It makes me appreciate the life I have even more, the wonderful marriage, partnership and friendship I have with Scott, and the incredible family we have created together. Sometimes this kind of week comes along just to remind you of things like that, at least that's the way I look at it. I think of all the people out there who are struggling every day just to keep their heads above water and I think, I've got it pretty good, even on the "bad" days...I've got it pretty darn good, and my beautiful children (even if one of them is a huge stinker most of the time!) are reminders of that every single day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This morning Maddie and I were out and about, we took the first photo below in the minivan during one of our stops. Then, this afternoon we took Hudson to Coffee Park. I've learned lately that I must completely and totally wear out my son if I want him to fall asleep at night. This has proven tricky lately. Have you ever tried chasing a toddler while wearing an infant in an infant carrier? Take my word for it, it isn't easy. I tried it today, and several days before today. In doing so I provided some entertainment for other park go-ers.

Ah,'s the things I never thought I'd do.

Good times, though. Really.
The best.
Despite the days that are very trying in many ways, I love being a mom. I really, really do.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Excersaucer

Hudson Richard, 6 months, 1 day old in the wildly popular excersaucer.

Madeline Elizabeth, 5 months, 14 days old in the still wildly popular excersaucer.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Apparently, when I'm excited about something and I write about it on the blog, I totally and completely ruin it. I jinx it. Madeline sleeps one night from 8pm-5am and then never again. Now she's waking every 2-3 hours. I admit, we haven't "sleep trained" her. We're on a different path this time around and I'm not sure what's going to happen at this point. Needless to say, I was happy about the ONE time she did it, so I wrote about it on the blog aaaaaannnnnnnddddd that was the end of that.

Then, I believe it was my last post, I wrote about how the time change has actually worked in our favor this time around. Ha. Well, as soon as I decide to tell you all about it, Hudson reverts back to his old ways with a serious case of the "I can't sleeps" every night. GEEZ.

Can't a girl catch a break every once in a while?

So, from here on out, I will no longer write about anything.

Alright, alright, ok...I'l write. I will. But it won't be about anything good.

Just kidding. Well, a little anyway.

Here we are at coffee park this afternoon. I love it when we're all together. I am still in awe every day that Scott and I have created this amazing family. We did it. We're doing it. We are so very fortunate in so many ways and I am reminded of that every single day.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I think this is the first time ever in my life that I am actually happy about daylight savings, in particular the "fall back" portion of it. It's getting dark earlier which means bedtime is earlier, which means everyone is happy. Mostly me. Hudson has been asleep by 7:30 the last 4 nights in a row. This is BIG. Very BIG around here. Now if only we could get Madeline on board...

Last night Hudson wanted to wait outside for daddy to come home, so here we are outside in the dark waiting. Both Hudson and Madeline adore their daddy and I have to say, watching their excitement when he comes home is often the very best part of my day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yesterday I took Madeline with me to vote. Our voting location was at an assisted living facility. Maddie was a hit!! She made lots of new friends, and it was lovely to see so many smiles.

We were also very thankful that we didn't have to wait in line. While this was a plus in my book, I'm not sure what it says about voter turn out in our area.

It's been so beautiful here so I'm making every effort to get out while we can. We went to the park again yesterday afternoon and I got lots of great pics of the Hud.

Casting our vote on election day!