Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, October 8, 2012

pumpkin patch

Yesterday two very exciting things happened.

1. It was cold in Dallas! Yippee, Fall is finally here.
2. We bought pumpkins!

In the afternoon we visited a local pumpkin patch where Hudson had a lot of fun choosing pumpkins for each and every family member, including Willy Wonka, Dulce and Kitkat. These outings are becoming more and more fun as he gets older and I have a feeling this will be true for many years to come.

In case you're wondering where Maddie and I are...well, we're behind the camera (as usual). I'm wearing Maddie in the Moby. (as usual as well, love that thing!).


  1. SJ went to the computer to ask to see Hudson, so we pulled up the blog. "He's sitting on a pumpkim! And his arm is not broken! Oh, he is picking a little pumpkim!" Right now she is asking to see him again, as I write this, while singing "Where is Hudson?" to the tune of "Friar Jacques."

    1. So cute! We miss you, Scarlett! We were just talking about you over the weekend, wishing we weren't so far away! :(
