Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bumps in the Road

It's been a really, really long couple of weeks with both kids battling some funky cold that they just can not seem to shake. It's been especially difficult for Madeline since she can't breathe at all she's just not sleeping. Nights have been REALLY, REALLY rough. Two weeks ago before she got sick she was sleeping 7, 8, 9 hour stretches without waking up, and when she did wake up she'd easily fall back to sleep.


I'm blaming the cold and am super hopeful she'll get right back on track once she can breathe again. There is, however, a very serious fear that this could be the dreaded "4 month sleep regression" I've been hearing about....Just when I thought we'd been lucky enough to get a good night sleeper...SIGH. (really BIG sigh!)

You would never know by looking at her that she's just miserable. She really, truly is one fabulous baby. We could not have a sweeter, happier little girl. Here's to hoping it's just a phase.

And, here's one of the Hud, who you also would never know was battling a cold by looking at him. I wish I had this kind of energy!

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