Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, October 12, 2012


There's a first time for everything, right? And, it's always a little scary not knowing what to expect when you haven't done something before. Yesterday was a first for me. A first trip to the park with both kiddos all by myself. Yep, flying solo. I've been terrified to venture out to the park with both kiddos alone...but yesterday, I did it! YAY!

I've felt horrible about not being able to go to the park with Hudson, it was such a normal part of our life before Madeline arrived and now, unfortunately he's watching movies more than he is outside playing and I don't like it one bit. Hudson is a VERY active little boy and not only does he want to go to the park, but he NEEDS to go to the park.. He wants to run around, be outside and play with other kids. So...gradually, we're changing our ways as I get more comfortable with going it alone. Baby steps I say, baby steps...

Here are some pics from our trip yesterday to the "old park". Sadly, we were the only ones there. Could it have been the fact that it was 80 degrees with 200% humidity? Gee, I wonder...Oh, and as a side note- Hudson completely dresses himself, meaning not only can he dress himself from head to toe completely on his own, but he also chooses what he wears. For some reason this kid likes long sleeves and pants no matter what the temperature is outside. Yesterday I managed to talk him into shorts, but I couldn't convince him to wear short sleeves.

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