With your first baby, you don't realize that certain topics of conversation amongst fellow first time mommies are taboo. Those conversations are of my favorite topic, sleep.
Here's the deal:
IF your baby is sleeping well, you don't talk about it. Why? Because all of the other moms will secretly hate you and will leave the conversation feeling like there is something wrong with their baby who at 18 months still wakes up 4 times in the night.
Now, there is one exception to the rule.
IF your baby is NOT sleeping well, feel free to talk away. This makes the moms who have a baby that is sleeping well feel accomplished, lucky, blessed or whatever word they choose to use. Those same mommies will be sympathetic to you, offer you advice and try to dissect what exactly it is that you're doing wrong (because, let's be honest here, you must be failing as a mommy if your baby isn't sleeping well). At least according to the MANY books on this topic, perhaps your pediatrician, your mommy friends and your worst critic of all, you.
Well, with baby #2, you know all of this. When the topic of sleep comes up at a mommy playgroup, if your baby IS sleeping, you're the one who doesn't talk at all. You don't say a peep. You pretend you're not paying attention at all and when asked, you play down the fact that your baby is actually sleeping wonderfully. You're the one without an opinion, and everyone just suspects that you
might be the lucky one in the group who got a "good" sleeper, otherwise, why would you be so suspiciously quiet?
I don't care about any of this.
Because last night, our little pumpkin slept from 8PM-5AM without waking up, and at 5AM she only woke because I flipped out that she hadn't woken up yet and moved her to make sure she was ok. Of course she was fine, and I was relieved, and she went back to sleep and slept until 8:15 this morning!
Frankly, I don't care about the "mommy rules" because last night was wonderful and I want the whole entire world to know it. I don't care who hates me! HAPPY DAY!!