Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Playing at the park with Papa

5 Months

Happy 5 month birthday to my little pumpkin!! It has FLOWN by way too fast!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Halloween from Buzz Lightyear

This afternoon we went to Scott's work's annual Halloween Party.
Hudson was Buzz Lightyear and Maddie wore a cute Halloween dress.
We had lots of fun!

We tried to get them both to look at the camera, but were not successful...obviously

Monday, October 22, 2012


Let's see...what did we do this weekend? Hmmmm ..

Well, we didn't sleep. I didn't anyways... (I jinxed it, apparently). I give up. I surrender. I will never sleep again.

Hud went to swim lessons, where he advanced to another class with a new teacher. He's excited, we're excited for him.

We went to Froggie's, his favorite toy store. He LOVES their trains and would stay there playing with them all day if given the opportunity.

Got a new car.

Yep. Still have the Odyssey, not to worry. But, the Murano was hurting. Our intent was to keep it for a long, long time, it was so nice not having a car payment, but as our luck would have it, the Murano was kaput. At 69K. Broken. Very, very broken. $11,000 to repair broken. So, it went away.

Not happy with Nissan right now.

We went with the Honda Crosstour for car #2. It was our fastest car buying purchase ever and we're very happy with our decision.We're into reliable these days.

We also attended 2 birthday parties on Sunday. Pics below. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oh, happy day!

With your first baby, you don't realize that certain topics of conversation amongst fellow first time mommies are taboo. Those conversations are of my favorite topic, sleep.

Here's the deal:

IF your baby is sleeping well, you don't talk about it. Why? Because all of the other moms will secretly hate you and will leave the conversation feeling like there is something wrong with their baby who at 18 months still wakes up 4 times in the night.

Now, there is one exception to the rule.

IF your baby is NOT sleeping well, feel free to talk away. This makes the moms who have a baby that is sleeping well feel accomplished, lucky, blessed or whatever word they choose to use. Those same mommies will be sympathetic to you, offer you advice and try to dissect what exactly it is that you're doing wrong (because, let's be honest here, you must be failing as a mommy if your baby isn't sleeping well). At least according to the MANY books on this topic, perhaps your pediatrician, your mommy friends and your worst critic of all, you.

Well, with baby #2, you know all of this. When the topic of sleep comes up at a mommy playgroup, if your baby IS sleeping, you're the one who doesn't talk at all. You don't say a peep. You pretend you're not paying attention at all and when asked, you play down the fact that your baby is actually sleeping wonderfully. You're the one without an opinion, and everyone just suspects that you might be the lucky one in the group who got a "good" sleeper, otherwise, why would you be so suspiciously quiet?

I don't care about any of this.

Because last night, our little pumpkin slept from 8PM-5AM without waking up, and at 5AM she only woke because I flipped out that she hadn't woken up yet and moved her to make sure she was ok. Of course she was fine, and I was relieved, and she went back to sleep and slept until 8:15 this morning!

Frankly, I don't care about the "mommy rules" because last night was wonderful and I want the whole entire world to know it. I don't care who hates me! HAPPY DAY!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Van Gogh

Mommy says it's pretty obvious who bought me this shirt...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Me and my HUD

THIS is what life is all about...In my humble opinion...there simply is no greater joy than laughter with your child. What a beautiful thing!

Friday, October 12, 2012


There's a first time for everything, right? And, it's always a little scary not knowing what to expect when you haven't done something before. Yesterday was a first for me. A first trip to the park with both kiddos all by myself. Yep, flying solo. I've been terrified to venture out to the park with both kiddos alone...but yesterday, I did it! YAY!

I've felt horrible about not being able to go to the park with Hudson, it was such a normal part of our life before Madeline arrived and now, unfortunately he's watching movies more than he is outside playing and I don't like it one bit. Hudson is a VERY active little boy and not only does he want to go to the park, but he NEEDS to go to the park.. He wants to run around, be outside and play with other kids. So...gradually, we're changing our ways as I get more comfortable with going it alone. Baby steps I say, baby steps...

Here are some pics from our trip yesterday to the "old park". Sadly, we were the only ones there. Could it have been the fact that it was 80 degrees with 200% humidity? Gee, I wonder...Oh, and as a side note- Hudson completely dresses himself, meaning not only can he dress himself from head to toe completely on his own, but he also chooses what he wears. For some reason this kid likes long sleeves and pants no matter what the temperature is outside. Yesterday I managed to talk him into shorts, but I couldn't convince him to wear short sleeves.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bumps in the Road

It's been a really, really long couple of weeks with both kids battling some funky cold that they just can not seem to shake. It's been especially difficult for Madeline since she can't breathe at all she's just not sleeping. Nights have been REALLY, REALLY rough. Two weeks ago before she got sick she was sleeping 7, 8, 9 hour stretches without waking up, and when she did wake up she'd easily fall back to sleep.


I'm blaming the cold and am super hopeful she'll get right back on track once she can breathe again. There is, however, a very serious fear that this could be the dreaded "4 month sleep regression" I've been hearing about....Just when I thought we'd been lucky enough to get a good night sleeper...SIGH. (really BIG sigh!)

You would never know by looking at her that she's just miserable. She really, truly is one fabulous baby. We could not have a sweeter, happier little girl. Here's to hoping it's just a phase.

And, here's one of the Hud, who you also would never know was battling a cold by looking at him. I wish I had this kind of energy!