Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, July 6, 2012

Soccer Class

HUD started an indoor soccer class this morning, it seemed like the perfect class for him and he was excited to go! He even wanted to wear his soccer shirt to class. Somehow we managed to get out of the house with Madeline in tow by 8:30 this morning and headed to class. Car rides are still not Madeline's favorite, so that was fun (sarcasm)... And just in case I didn't know it already, the entire car ride Hudson is saying, "mommy, the baby's not happy. The baby's crying. Stop crying, baby! Mommy, get her out!"....Once we arrived I moby-ed Madeline up and in we went.  

Side note: I am not a fan of the moby. I have hopes that eventually I will be, everyone I know loved their moby, but right now it's just a headache and I resist the strong urge I have to throw it in the trash. I admit, it could be a user error due to my lack of sleep, hours and hours of not eating, and just general grumpiness due to being alone with 2 kids under age 3 all day...

Moving on...

Once in the class, Hudson reverted back to his old, super-shy ways and refused to leave my side or participate at all. This child has been bouncing off the walls (literally) at home, so this was disappointing. My hope was that he'd burn off some energy and come home exhausted. Well, there's always next week. Toward the end of class he was opening up a bit and was actually beginning to have fun-  right when it was time to leave. Of course. Madeline was an absolute angel and slept through the entire thing, she seems so easy to me now that I have a 2 year old. All in all, I was seriously relieved to have actually survived this little excursion. It is frightening, at least right now, to leave the house with the two of them all by myself, but it's getting easier (not to be confused with easy, because it's anything but easy), and I know it will continue to get easier the more I do it. It will, won't it??

Madeline, 5 weeks, 2 days old
Hudson, all dressed up for soccer class

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