If I ever thought I had little time for anything before, boy was I was wrong... you may have noticed, no blog posts from me in nearly a week...well, that's because there literally has not been a single free second this week. Hudson and Madeline have been keeping me very, very busy. I feel like I'm doing some sort of juggling act every second of the day and I've never been good at juggling. I feel like if I would have applied and interviewed for this job (the job of stay at home mom) I wouldn't have been offered the position. I feel so ill equipped, I don't believe I have the experience or the proper skills which are required to do this job, but I'm trying really hard and although I'm hard on myself, I'm cutting myself a little slack and working to remember, it's all worth it. We have two amazingly wonderful kids who brighten our world every day. I can't imagine life without them, I honestly can not.
The following are some new and exciting things going on in our world:
Hudson is suddenly afraid of the dark. What does that mean? It means some nights he doesn't fall asleep until 10pm even though he's in bed between 7:30-8 every night...it means he wakes up at 5am every morning (like clockwork) and if we're
really, really lucky he sneaks up the stairs at 2am and into our bed. Good times for all.
Madeline has reached 7 1/2 weeks, which is SO hard to believe, time is flying by and I'm already missing the newborn phase...perhaps there will be a 3rd in our future, (yes, indeed I have lost my mind) anyways, with the 7 1/2 week mark comes a fussy baby between the hours of 4-ish in the afternoon until 9pm, 10pm or even midnight. So if your wondering how sleep is going in his house, it's not. At all. For anyone. Even the dogs have bags under their eyes. What I wouldn't give for one night of uninterrupted sleep. Perhaps in five years. One can dream.
I haven't taken many pics of Hudson this week, but I'll post what I have even though they aren't great. I'm with Madeline a lot, and I have ample opportunities to take her picture, so I'll share some of them with you as well. I'll spare all of you any pictures of Scott and me since we're pretty sure we're not looking our best these days. Again, maybe in 5 years.
We're very serious about our playdough. |
Look at this face, I can promise you, this little lady gets a lot of kisses. |
As promised, we have ourselves a chubby baby. |
Madeline's eyes are still very deep, dark blue. |
We play with playdough every day, here we made ice cream sundaes. |
She smiles a lot these days. It melts my heart every time. She is precious. |
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