Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today my goal was to try to put something really positive and upbeat on the blog. Lately there's been a lot of complaining on my part about my super cute terrible two-ster, and I apologize for that. I worried that if I didn't post some good stuff today all of my loyal readers may stop reading, so I was going to try to turn things around a bit.

But, alas....I don't have much good news to report. Hudson has been sick with a "tummy virus" that we're told could last 14 days. SPECTACULAR. On the plus side, he's already knocked out 6 of those days, which means he should be wrapping this up around the 26th, 4 days before our baby girl's debut.

Without going into too many details, I can tell you that this is setting the potty training we've been working SO HARD on WAY, WAY, WAY back and I just can't tell you how upsetting that is. My goal was to have his potty training done by the time baby arrived. We were so close. It's not Hudson's fault by any means, and I do feel so bad for him. I can't imagine having a tummy bug for 14 days (although that doesn't sound so bad when you consider the brutal final days of pregnancy...I may be willing to trade, I'll get back to you on that one).

Hudson had to miss school yesterday, but thankfully was able to return today.
He didn't go to sleep last night until after 9PM (even though he was in his bed at 7:30).
He woke up at 5:23 this morning. That's 5:23AM just to reemphasize.
For a child who normally sleeps 11-ish hours at night, 8 hours isn't gonna cut it.
This results in a grumpy, sleepy, tummy-bug having child which let me tell you is not a lot of fun.

So, I didn't accomplish my goal.
Not to worry, I've set a new one. I'm planning to sleep during Hudson's nap, which is happening right now so I better get to it. I'm gonna need some energy when he wakes up, which with my luck will be in 30 minutes...

I promise to post something good tomorrow....

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