Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm in the final weeks of this pregnancy and the exhaustion has seriously set in. Real, true, never-felt-this-tired-before exhaustion. If I could sleep all day, every day from here until May 30th I would. 

One can dream, right? 

Well, there's no chance that's happening I can promise you that. I know that the next few weeks are going to fly by, but right now with the level of energy I have it feels like the days are just crawling by. No surprise at all, but Hudson has not slowed down one bit. In fact, he seems to have more energy than ever before at the current moment and I have no idea how I'm going to keep up with him.

The heat alone is really getting to me. I've had the air blowing on 68 most days until one of three things happens:

1.) Hudson says, "mama, I cold." 
2.) Scott says he's cold (he's NEVER cold)
3.) Willy Wonka buries himself under some blankets and looks at me as if to say, "I'm cold, too!" 

Meanwhile, I'm sweating! And it's only going to get worse as the temperatures continue to rise here in Big D. Yippee! (that's sarcasm there in case it wasn't obvious)

At this point, if I can just survive the next 22 days I'll be happy. If you don't see much on the blog in the coming weeks, don't be alarmed. I must reserve ALL energy for our daily park outings. 

The Hud has expectations after all.

1 comment:

  1. Yes,Hudson's rather high expectations need to be met. Gee, easy for me to say from Brentwood, Ca.
    From your favorite father-in-law...
