As most of you know, we've been struggling for the last year or more to figure out what is going on with Hudson, medically speaking. He's seen his regular pediatrician it feels like a million times in the last year, as well as his pediatric pulmonologist (who we adore). Well, now we can add a pediatric allergist to the list. Hudson visited him for the first time yesterday after our pulmonologist did some bloodwork and it showed significant allergies.
side note: most of the allergies were food related, peanuts, soy, eggs, etc..., and the good news is there is not one single ounce of allergy toward cats and dogs- whew. Mommy was VERY worried about that!
Our new pediatric allergist was not at all concerned with the food allergies. He said that the levels which Hudson had allergic reactions for were not significant so he doesn't think we need to change up Hudson's diet at all (thank you!!), but he was concerned about the ongoing congestion combined with the cough he's had for the last YEAR!
So, he sent us over for some x-rays and called me with the results this morning. Apparently the Hud has been dealing with a pretty severe sinus infection for quite some time. Poor guy. FINALLY...an answer. So, we're going to attack the infection pretty hard with a few medications to see if this clears it up and makes him as good as new. We'll go back to see the allergist in a few weeks and if the problems still exist, we'll be referred to yet another doctor, an ear, nose and throat specialist. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
I would like to mention that both the pediatric allergist and the radiologist were really impressed with the Hud. The pediatric allergist said he was the best 2 year old he's ever examined and the radiologist said he got the "patient of the day" award. What a champ!
In other news, the Hud has really been into his "colors" lately.
Look out Jackson Pollock!

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