Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moments of Discovery

Witnessing a discovery of the world through the eyes of a child, well, it's one the many great things about having kids. It's also a reminder to us to stop and take a look around, admire the beauty of the things you see every single day that you often just don't even notice.

This morning as Hudson and I were walking out to the car we heard a flurry of noise coming from the tree above and when we looked up to see what is was we discovered that there were about 100 birds in our tree. Now, Hudson has seen many birds in his 2+ years of life, but I don't know that he's ever seen this many all together making this much noise right in the tree above him. He was wowed.

There's nothing like seeing his reaction first hand, but I snapped these two photos trying to capture the look of awe in his eyes. It really, really is the little things that make our world beautiful. I'm so glad that Hudson reminds me of this every day.

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