It's finally starting to feel like Fall here in Dallas, more trips to the park and lots of time "out-side" by special request from the Hud, who every night right around bedtime goes and gets his shoes, puts them on and says, "out-side...out-side....p'ease, p'ease?". He certainly does not want to be in the house any more than he has to and he's indifferent to the cold and/or darkness that may be "out-side".
Gramma (aka: ba-ba) and Grampa (aka: pa-pa) Akins arrived last week and Hudson has been over the moon with excitement! He's been keeping them very busy and has really enjoyed having more people in the house to play with. We get to enjoy their company until next Tuesday when they head back to California. Boo! :(
Scott and I took Hudson to the park this Thanksgiving morning where Scott and Hud kicked the ball around a bit...we think Hud's a born natural, I mean, did you see that form? I digress...At the park we were lucky enough to run into some of our friends who just so happen to have children who are also Hudson's friends, so it was an enjoyable trip to the park for all.
I am reminded often this time of year of how fortunate we all are to have each other, our health and so much to look forward to together. This afternoon we'll enjoy a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones, and I am grateful for that. We all have so much to be thankful for this year. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the ones you love, too.
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