Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, November 7, 2011

Boon, Da-Da, Purple, Store, A-sa, A-sa

Yesterday Hudson and I went to Central Market. We always get a balloon when we go to Central Market and yesterday was no exception. They usually ask if Hudson would like a green balloon or a purple balloon. Since purple is the only color he'll actually say, he always chooses, "purple". We did our grocery shopping and went home with Hudson's purple balloon in tow.

Fast forward to the end of the day, Scott takes Hudson to the park in my car. En route to the park Scott decides to roll down the windows for some fresh air and... out went the balloon...way, way up high into the sky. Naturally, this was very upsetting to the Hud. The whole way home he uttered, "boon, boon, boon!" Entering the house, he said, "boon, boon, boon....da-da....boon, purple, store." Both Scott and I told him we were sorry that his balloon went away, but that we would get him another one the next time we went to the store. So, now it's turned into, "boon, boon, da-da, purple, boon, store, A-sa, A-sa?" For those of you not familiar with Hud-enese, A'sa translates into "please" (don't ask us how, but we assure you, A'sa=please).

This morning, when we got into my car, it began again, "'sa" (repeat, repeat, repeat) the entire way to school, the entire way from the car to inside the school, apparently all day at school, and the entire ride home in the car...

One things for sure about the Hud, he may forgive...but he DOESN'T forget!

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