Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

May 30, 2012

If you've seen me lately, you already know... I'm pregnant. I can't hide it anymore even though I'm only 13 weeks, there is already a little bump and it's VERY visible! This should come as no surprise to anyone who saw me when I was pregnant with Hudson. I'm very optimistic that this is going to be a totally different pregnancy, and I already feel like it has been.

I had a great visit with my doctor today and got to see the little peanut wigglin' around in there! Even though I've been through this before, it's just SO AMAZING to see a little baby growing in your tummy! The sonogram pics below aren't great, I'll try to post better ones next time. I couldn't believe how much baby had grown since my last sonogram 4 weeks ago.

My doctor has already scheduled my C-Section for May 30, 2012 at 7:30AM, so mark your calendars - Hudson's gonna be a big brother!

Monday, November 28, 2011

In Loving Memory of my dear gramma

Yesterday, was a very tough day...
Sunday, November 27, 2011 we lost my gramma, Hudson's great gramma.
I can't begin to express what a huge loss this is for us, for our family and for all who knew this amazing woman. I know in my heart that I would not be who I am today without my grandparents. They were, in my mind, my greatest blessing. I am so thankful for a wonderful visit with my gramma in August, thankful that Hudson had the opportunity to meet her on two different visits, thankful that she was such a wonderful person and that I was lucky enough to have her in my life. I will forever miss you, gramma. I know that grampa has been waiting for you to join him for a long time, and I hope that wherever you may be, you two are together again.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from the Hud and Co.

We've had a really fun and busy week! Here's what we've been up to:

It's finally starting to feel like Fall here in Dallas, more trips to the park and lots of time "out-side" by special request from the Hud, who every night right around bedtime goes and gets his shoes, puts them on and says, "out-side...out-side....p'ease, p'ease?". He certainly does not want to be in the house any more than he has to and he's indifferent to the cold and/or darkness that may be "out-side".
Gramma (aka: ba-ba) and Grampa (aka: pa-pa) Akins arrived last week and Hudson has been over the moon with excitement! He's been keeping them very busy and has really enjoyed having more people in the house to play with. We get to enjoy their company until next Tuesday when they head back to California. Boo! :(
Scott and I took Hudson to the park this Thanksgiving morning where Scott and Hud kicked the ball around a bit...we think Hud's a born natural, I mean, did you see that form? I digress...At the park we were lucky enough to run into some of our friends who just so happen to have children who are also Hudson's friends, so it was an enjoyable trip to the park for all.
I am reminded often this time of year of how fortunate we all are to have each other, our health and so much to look forward to together. This afternoon we'll enjoy a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones, and I am grateful for that. We all have so much to be thankful for this year. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the ones you love, too.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Da-Da!

Today is my Da-Da's birthday!
I love him ALOT!
When I grow up I want to be just like him.
Ma-Ma says those are some big shoes to fill.
I say, I got it covered.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who Swims Like a Little Fish?

They say that Hudson is doing very well in swim class, and in fact he's ready to graduate to the next level, and he will for the spring. You'll notice he's still quite vertical in the water, which is largely due to the fact that he's so tall...but his teacher says that's normal and that we shouldn't worry about it. Right now we're focusing on breath control, and he's doing great at that. He still LOVES swim class and smiles the entire time, as does his daddy, which is really cute!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Yesterday Scott and I had our first ever parent/teacher conference. Proud parents that we are, there was a lot of smiling at the conference. We learned that while still learning to work independently, Hudson is especially skilled in the coordination and movement departments, he has a little crush on another student named Natalia, and his best friends are Zane, Sebastian and Evan.

Hudson is doing great at school, he loves it and so do we! His guide, Sylvie, shared some photos with us during our meeting and we thought you would enjoy them just as much as we did. You may pick up on the fact that they've started potty training at school, which we understand is a process. We're slowly but surely starting to get the hang of it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Running through leaves

Yesterday we went to visit our friends, James, Lauren and Ethan. Hudson and Ethan had so much fun playing together, running through a pile of leaves. There was so much joy and laughter! For me it was just another reminder of how great it is to be a kid. If there was ever a day I wish I'd brought the flip camera, it was yesterday. All I had with me was my phone, so these aren't great photos, but I think you'll still enjoy them.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Boon, Da-Da, Purple, Store, A-sa, A-sa

Yesterday Hudson and I went to Central Market. We always get a balloon when we go to Central Market and yesterday was no exception. They usually ask if Hudson would like a green balloon or a purple balloon. Since purple is the only color he'll actually say, he always chooses, "purple". We did our grocery shopping and went home with Hudson's purple balloon in tow.

Fast forward to the end of the day, Scott takes Hudson to the park in my car. En route to the park Scott decides to roll down the windows for some fresh air and... out went the balloon...way, way up high into the sky. Naturally, this was very upsetting to the Hud. The whole way home he uttered, "boon, boon, boon!" Entering the house, he said, "boon, boon, boon....da-da....boon, purple, store." Both Scott and I told him we were sorry that his balloon went away, but that we would get him another one the next time we went to the store. So, now it's turned into, "boon, boon, da-da, purple, boon, store, A-sa, A-sa?" For those of you not familiar with Hud-enese, A'sa translates into "please" (don't ask us how, but we assure you, A'sa=please).

This morning, when we got into my car, it began again, "'sa" (repeat, repeat, repeat) the entire way to school, the entire way from the car to inside the school, apparently all day at school, and the entire ride home in the car...

One things for sure about the Hud, he may forgive...but he DOESN'T forget!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"It's my hair, isn't it?"

The park makes me HAPPY!

Ok, played on the tractor- check.
Let's see, I haven't been over to the swings yet...

This swing is over-rated.