Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Word Explosion

It's no secret that we've been waiting and waiting and waiting for words to come. One of us worried more than the other (I won't say who). We even had an impromptu speech evaluation during one of our food therapy sessions as a result of said worrier. The results of which stated that Hudson was well within the normal range for boys who typically develop language later than girls. Despite all the reassurance from the Doctor and the Speech Therapist, we (again, one of us more than the other) were a little worried. For the longest time Hudson's words were "baaalll" and "pap" (the meaning of which is still being determined). Then came along "app-le" which was encouraging, but weeks went by with no additional words. Occasionally a word would come out perfectly pronounced, like "car" and then we'd never hear it again, despite our desperate attempts to make it happen. Well, we can safely say, worry no more, folks, this kid is TALKING! As we suspected it would, it sort-of just happened overnight and now Hudson's language is developing at a rate so fast I can hardly keep up! Not only is he actually saying a ton of words, he's making attempts to say them all. Finally, we (ok, Scott) can stop worrying! I know I should be writing all of his words down, but I haven't gotten there yet. If only there was more time in a day...let me specify- more time in a day where I wasn't completely and totally exhausted. If only...

Here are some of Hudson's new words:
  • Apple (as I mentioned, this one has actually been around a while, but it's one of my favorites)
  • All Done
  • Up (also used for down and help)
  • More (with the sign)
  • Tractor
  • Purple
  • Flower
  • Cup (p'up)
  • Truck
  • Turtle
  • Caterpillar (Pa'Pilla)
  • Boo-Boo
  • Baby (ba-baa)
  • Star
  • Heart
  • Moon
  • Sun
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear (Bra Baa, Bra Baa)
  • Panda Bear, Panda Bear (Pa Baa, Pa Baa)
  • Cracker
  • Water
  • Da-Da (in reference to Da-Da, Mommy is still waiting on Ma-Ma and would also gladly accept mommy)
  • Hot (surprisingly this wasn't a first word, given it's 110 here daily)


  1. This makes me feel better about Justin's lack of words- :) Just when I think he's saying a few- they seem to disappear again!

  2. Ah-ha! I can tell that some of Hudson's favorite books are also Jessica's faves... the Brown Bear books. So cute when they start talking and say some grown-up words in that sweet little baby voice!
