Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Today Daddy and I took a swim lesson.
They say I'm gonna learn how to swim over the next few months.

I wasn't so sure about the whole thing at first...

Then Daddy blew some bubbles in the water and it made me laugh!

I checked out some of the stuff that's gonna help me learn-
it was pretty cool.

They put me in some kind of flotation device,
which I thought was really weird,
but then...

Oh my gosh, they have balls at swimming lessons!!
It's my new favorite thing!

At the end of the class they put me up on the
"magic carpet", spun me around, waved to me,
and sang a goodbye song to me.
I guess that was pretty cool, too.

Conclusion: Swim lessons are FUN!
Just look at my smile!

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