Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the park with gramma and grampa

Last night we had a big thunderstorm.
I slept right through it, no problem!
The good news is mommy said
it cooled the whole city off
which meant we got to go to the pa!!
Gramma and grampa got to come along, too.

Grampa pushed me on the swing, it was so much fun!
I haven't been swinging in such a long time.

And I even ran into my best friend Ethan!
Mommy said it was really cute when we saw each other.
We both got really excited.

We took the car out for a spin together.
It didn't go anywhere,
but I don't think it has anything to do with my driving skills,
which you can tell from this image are quite good.
Gramma and Grampa are going back home today.
They say they live really far away,
mommy says it's waaaaaaayyyyyy too far away.
I think I'm gonna be really sad when they leave.
I've had so much fun with them on this visit.
Thanks for everything gramma and grampa,
please come back very soon!

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