Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



Monday, June 27, 2011

The Weekly HUD?

Okay, let's face it...toddlers keep you busy.
As such, I've recently realized that this blog may need a new name. I'm thinking...perhaps instead of "The Daily Hud" I should consider "The Weekly Hud". The reason being, I just can't seem to find the time to post daily anymore! Though I love doing it, I seem to have fallen behind on posting lately. I blame the heat (and the toddler). So, here's what he's been up to the last few days:

Yep, he still fits in the wagon, guess he wanted to make sure.
Though he had no trouble getting in, getting out was a whole different story.

Ahhhh....the dog bed. Who knew it would be such a hit! Generally speaking, Hudson isn't one to give "signals" that he's tired, though I'm pretty sure he's trying to tell me something here.

It's hot in Texas (did I mention that already?), and where there's heat there's we've been trying to encourage hats to protect Hudson from the sun. He isn't usually a big fan, but he's getting better, and we think he looks so cute in a baseball cap!!

Willy Wonka says that being a guard dog is a big job. According to him, you have to listen very closely to anything and everything and as soon as you hear the slightest sound from anywhere - you must bark at it. LOUDLY. Watch and learn, kid.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the park with gramma and grampa

Last night we had a big thunderstorm.
I slept right through it, no problem!
The good news is mommy said
it cooled the whole city off
which meant we got to go to the pa!!
Gramma and grampa got to come along, too.

Grampa pushed me on the swing, it was so much fun!
I haven't been swinging in such a long time.

And I even ran into my best friend Ethan!
Mommy said it was really cute when we saw each other.
We both got really excited.

We took the car out for a spin together.
It didn't go anywhere,
but I don't think it has anything to do with my driving skills,
which you can tell from this image are quite good.
Gramma and Grampa are going back home today.
They say they live really far away,
mommy says it's waaaaaaayyyyyy too far away.
I think I'm gonna be really sad when they leave.
I've had so much fun with them on this visit.
Thanks for everything gramma and grampa,
please come back very soon!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Three generations of Akins men,
aren't they handsome?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Today Daddy and I took a swim lesson.
They say I'm gonna learn how to swim over the next few months.

I wasn't so sure about the whole thing at first...

Then Daddy blew some bubbles in the water and it made me laugh!

I checked out some of the stuff that's gonna help me learn-
it was pretty cool.

They put me in some kind of flotation device,
which I thought was really weird,
but then...

Oh my gosh, they have balls at swimming lessons!!
It's my new favorite thing!

At the end of the class they put me up on the
"magic carpet", spun me around, waved to me,
and sang a goodbye song to me.
I guess that was pretty cool, too.

Conclusion: Swim lessons are FUN!
Just look at my smile!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Best of Both Worlds

It's summer time in Dallas and that means HOT. We're already experiencing 100 degree weather daily here, so we had to come up with a way to cool things off for the Hud (without putting in a pool, which we've decided is an absolute MUST in Texas). In any event, we found this to be a nice alternative, and the Hud loves it! It's a beachball that works like a sprinkler. Yes, he gets soaked and yes it's a mess, but hey...we think it's worth it. Who wouldn't love a sprinkler-baaaaaaaall?

On a separate side note...Hud had his 18 month check-up yesterday, and all went very well. Hudson is feeling great, we're no longer having any issues (who knew all he needed was an asthma inhaler and some nasonex?). For those of you who might be curious, Hud weighed in at 30.2 pounds and measured a whopping 34 1/2 inches tall! Personally, I think if the size of your child was directly related to how enormous you are during pregnancy, I could be blamed for this, but I'm pretty sure it's not. So, I think Scott is the culprit. Like father, like son. He's gonna be a very tall boy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

18 months

Happy 18-month Birthday, Mr. Blue Eyes!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

dancing in puddles

You might be wondering why you don't see more videos on our blog...well....this one may help explain. When I get out the Flip camera- Hudson wants it- and he's not givin''s that strong will in him. What's worse is that when he wants something he signs "please, please, please..." and it's just so hard to say no! Every morning Hudson and I water the plants in the yard, and every morning he gets completely soaked. This morning was no exception. You might also notice that his legs are completely scraped up and full of boo-boos. He is 100% all BOY right now- running, climbing, and falling down. And...despite the massive amounts of homeopathic bug spray we're using on him, he still gets bit. Just like his mommy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Chair Time

Someone got a new chair last weekend!!
We've been spending so much time outside, so we though it would be nice for the Hud to have a place to rest besides the grass, and we admit - we saw how adorable Cole Reynolds Roman was in his chair on the Roman's blog and decided that Hudson needed an adirondack chair, too.

When I was taking these photos this morning it really hit me that Hudson is growing up so fast. I honestly didn't know time could move as quickly as it is until we had him...okay, I admit....I did NOT feel that way in the beginning when time moved so slow, the days were so long, no one was sleeping and I wondered whose crazy idea it was to have a baby in the first place? But now...he's just so much fun, and we enjoy our time with him so, so much! His personality is really starting to develop and I must say, he is quite the little funny guy and has me laughing all the time. He's also recently starting handing out kisses - right on the mouth - left and right. This is my own personal favorite new development, although it seems there are new ones every day, and I just can't wait for them!

Hudson has his 18 month check up on his 18 month birthday, this Wednesday! I cannot believe my baby boy is going to be 18 months old. If anyone knows how to slow down this time-moving-too-quickly thing please share it with me. I want to enjoy this 18 month old a little longer.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Good Life

Wow, look at me, now this is the good life!
I'm way up high hangin' out at the Joule hotel downtown.
My Grammy and Grampa M came to visit me this week,
so I decided to crash the pool at their hotel.
What a great idea that was!

Here I am signing "please", "please,
can I go in the pool now?"

Thank you, Mommy!!
I love to go swimming!

I even got to swim with my Grampa M!

He taught me how to splash mommy!

I had so much fun!
Swimming wears you out!
It's a good thing this pool has cabanas for lounging.