Poor Scott is exhausted, but in the next two weeks (yes, you read that right, two MORE weeks of this) and all should be back to "normal". I don't think I see light at the end of the tunnel yet, but each day I look for it.
I have gained a whole new respect for single parents, military families and all of those who have it a lot harder than I do every day. I have no idea how they do it, I have no idea how I have done it, but at least now I know I'm capable, however, I make no promises about my sanity when this is all said and done. Two weeks in and it's already mildly questionable.
The kids and I have managed to stay busy and have fun, despite the challenges. Here's a little bit from the last few weeks.
Hudson learned how to walk Willy Wonka on a leash. He (Hudson) loved it, not so sure that Wonks did.
Maddie tried on Daddy's shoes. This child LOVES shoes. This is not good for our financial future.
Maddie also still climbs on everything without fear of anything. This is her latest move, she's up on the window seat in her bedroom.
Hudson continues to love baseball. So, so much.
Maddie had her 15 month check up, where she decided that she'd rather just be naked than wear her diaper for her visit with the doctor. She got her standard 15 mos. vaccinations and a flu shot. She was a champ! Stats are: 24.6 lbs. (85%), 33 inches (>100%). The doctor was quite amazed with her height and said, "well, she just went WAYYYYYY off the charts in the height category!"
Hudson walks with Maddie en route to the farmer's market.

Fun at the U Village.
Puttin' the little boys in the sandbox in their place.
Going for a walk.
And, what walk is complete without a race (sans Maddie, of course)?
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