Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School

Today was Hudson's first day at Whole Child Learning Center. He was so excited to go to school, and I was so excited that he was excited! After only one day at WCLC I am already impressed. This school is amazing, really and truly amazing! After our last experience I was feeling a bit discouraged, but after today I am absolutely thrilled that Hudson will be at WCLC 4 days a week. I am so thankful we found this school and so incredibly glad we were lucky enough to get a spot. HUGE weight lifted.

Scott took the day off today so he could be there for Hudson's first day of school. We all loaded up in the rain (Seattle's back in full effect) and headed out to see him off. No tears were shed (let's be honest, this is probably more of an accomplishment for me than the Hud), Hudson was so eager to get in there and meet his new friends, see his teacher and get to work.

After an hour or so we got a call to let us know that Hudson was doing really well. They said he was happy, eager and very independent.

Then, we received an email from his teacher which I'm told we can expect regularly, and it said, in part, this:

"...Hudson was comfortable exploring work on the shelves, asking questions for clarification, meeting his classmates and joining class activities. I can see he enjoys stories/books and was also confident decorating/tracing his name and then he drew a neat picture of a spider web! 

Hudson asked about playing baseball outside and was looking forward to recess all day. I told him I would search through our bins upstairs to find the baseball bat/ball and will bring that to the yard next week. He drew a reminder for me on our class schedule : -)...."
It's pretty spot-on, and it made both Scott and me smile. He is such an incredible little boy and he makes me so proud to be his mom.

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