Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bed time

I don't like to brag, but I think I've nailed doing bedtime solo. To clarify, this recent accomplishment DOES NOT mean that I WANT to do bedtime solo, but hey, if I have to, it ain't no thing. I got this.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'm too tired to write...I think they're so darn cute. Maddie is cutting major molars, just in case you're wondering where her smile has gone.

Monday, September 23, 2013

This may have been the longest stretch without a post since I started the blog way back when. The last almost two weeks have been very challenging for us. Scott has been working INSANE hours, honestly, the most he's worked since we've known each other. It's felt like he's been out of town, I have hardly seen him at all.

Poor Scott is exhausted, but in the next two weeks (yes, you read that right, two MORE weeks of this) and all should be back to "normal". I don't think I see light at the end of the tunnel yet, but each day I look for it.

I have gained a whole new respect for single parents, military families and all of those who have it a lot harder than I do every day. I have no idea how they do it, I have no idea how I have done it, but at least now I know I'm capable, however, I make no promises about my sanity when this is all said and done. Two weeks in and it's already mildly questionable.

The kids and I have managed to stay busy and have fun, despite the challenges. Here's a little bit from the last few weeks.

Hudson learned how to walk Willy Wonka on a leash. He (Hudson) loved it, not so sure that Wonks did.

Maddie tried on Daddy's shoes. This child LOVES shoes. This is not good for our financial future.

Maddie also still climbs on everything without fear of anything. This is her latest move, she's up on the window seat in her bedroom.

Hudson continues to love baseball. So, so much.

Maddie had her 15 month check up, where she decided that she'd rather just be naked than wear her diaper for her visit with the doctor. She got her standard 15 mos. vaccinations and a flu shot. She was a champ! Stats are: 24.6 lbs. (85%), 33 inches (>100%). The doctor was quite amazed with her height and said, "well, she just went WAYYYYYY off the charts in the height category!"

Hudson walks with Maddie en route to the farmer's market.

Fun at the U Village.


Puttin' the little boys in the sandbox in their place.

Going for a walk.

And, what walk is complete without a race (sans Maddie, of course)?


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tofu, etc.

If you know Hudson, or have followed my blog from the beginning, then you know how incredibly picky Hudson is with food. No joke, he eats, literally, maybe 5 things consistently. Everything has to be plain. Nothing can be mixed (i.e., he likes cheese and he likes crackers but don't for a second think you can give him cheese and crackers together!), nothing can have crumbs (like the salt on a ritz cracker, no can do), or be too spicy (have flavor). He likes pasta. He likes cheese. He likes meat. He likes tomato soup. However, put them all together (think baked ziti with meat sauce) and FORGET IT. He won't have any part of it. It's incredibly frustrating. I repeat, incredibly frustrating.

At one point I actually had hope that he would outgrow some of his pickiness, but is seems to have only gotten worse as he's gotten older and as he's become more aware of what I'm giving him.

Once I tried sneaking in a PB&J on him, knowing full well that he does not like peanut butter, and he said to me, "Mom, you DO NOT give me peanut butter. I DO NOT like peanut butter!" As if I was totally unaware. The child cannot live on yogurt and applesauce alone, for crying out loud, I was merely trying to add something to his diet that may contain a small amount of variety, not to mention protein. GEEZ!

On his second day of school, his teacher called me to tell me Hudson wasn't feeling well, that he'd thrown up and wanted to come home. Upon further investigation, it appears they gave him some tofu at snack time and he was so completely and utterly sickened by it that he threw up. Since then he has told me (I don't know how many times) that he does NOT like tofu. Yesterday when I picked him up from school I asked him how his day was and his reply? "Mommy! I didn't throw up! They didn't give me tofu!!" 

Today, again when I went to pick him up, we had the exact same conversation..."Mommy! I didn't throw up! They didn't give me tofu!!" 

Thankfully I'm the only vegetarian in the family, this tofu thing could pose some serious problems otherwise.

I am also incredibly pleased with Hudson's new school. So happy in fact that I could literally cry tears of joy. Aside from the tofu incident, Hudson has been the happiest I've seen him in quite some time these last few days and my hope is that it continues. He has already become fast friends with two boys in his class, and today they played baseball, per Hud's request. Apparently the other kids haven't had quite the same exposure to the sport as Hudson, given they were all feeling a bit discouraged at pick-up today, with the teacher encouraging them that with some practice they'd all get better. This means Hud must have had several hits and I'm certain he slid at least once into home plate.

Look out Buster Posey!

While Hud's been in school I have been enjoying some one-on-one time with my little girl and it's been so nice. I had so much time with the Hud when he was a baby. Time that was uninterrupted,  special and all about him and I feel like Maddie hasn't really had that same experience. It's tough when you have more than one, to feel like you're giving enough of yourself to each of your children. 
I have missed that with Maddie. 

We have been spending some time at the park these last few mornings and it really has just been so great. She is such an amazing little girl, I just can't imagine life without her. I am such an incredibly lucky mom.

In the afternoon, we take a family trip to the park, and let me tell you, even Hudson has a tough time keeping up with Maddie. She is fearless.

She loves to climb and she will climb on anything! Below Maddie is climbing UP the slide, and you'll note that Hudson is behind her, trying to keep up. We are in big trouble with this one, let me tell you. BIG TROUBLE.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Game Day

It must be noted that despite what you are about to see I will always be a loyal Dallas Cowboy fan and sadly, Scott will always be a loyal 49'er fan, however, we are embracing our new city and therefore their professional sports teams, so...


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School

Today was Hudson's first day at Whole Child Learning Center. He was so excited to go to school, and I was so excited that he was excited! After only one day at WCLC I am already impressed. This school is amazing, really and truly amazing! After our last experience I was feeling a bit discouraged, but after today I am absolutely thrilled that Hudson will be at WCLC 4 days a week. I am so thankful we found this school and so incredibly glad we were lucky enough to get a spot. HUGE weight lifted.

Scott took the day off today so he could be there for Hudson's first day of school. We all loaded up in the rain (Seattle's back in full effect) and headed out to see him off. No tears were shed (let's be honest, this is probably more of an accomplishment for me than the Hud), Hudson was so eager to get in there and meet his new friends, see his teacher and get to work.

After an hour or so we got a call to let us know that Hudson was doing really well. They said he was happy, eager and very independent.

Then, we received an email from his teacher which I'm told we can expect regularly, and it said, in part, this:

"...Hudson was comfortable exploring work on the shelves, asking questions for clarification, meeting his classmates and joining class activities. I can see he enjoys stories/books and was also confident decorating/tracing his name and then he drew a neat picture of a spider web! 

Hudson asked about playing baseball outside and was looking forward to recess all day. I told him I would search through our bins upstairs to find the baseball bat/ball and will bring that to the yard next week. He drew a reminder for me on our class schedule : -)...."
It's pretty spot-on, and it made both Scott and me smile. He is such an incredible little boy and he makes me so proud to be his mom.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Babes in Boxes

It's amazing how much fun these two can have with 2 empty boxes.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Gas Works Park

We live in such a beautiful city. With beautiful parks. Right on the water. I'm still not over it yet. Maybe when the gray, gloomy weather sets in and it's dark from 4pm-9am I'll stop talking about how much I love this city. But for now, I'm pretty happy.

Of Course, we had to play a little baseball while at Gas Works Park today.

Maddie was the bat/ball girl.

Then Hudson realized she just might run away with the bat and not come back.

Her usual, happy, smiling self (with flower petals on her lip, because she likes to eat the flowers).