Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, August 18, 2013


This weekend, we were happy to have a visit from Papa and Gramma, and though it was a short visit, it was great to see them, as always. Today they kindly offered to stay with Maddie (aka: the "tornado", "little pumpkin", "tootsie pop",  and little Miss "Me! Me!") so that Scott and I could take the HUD out for a little something fun with just the two of us. Lets be honest, it's tough (really tough) doing anything (and I mean anything) with Maddie at this age, so although we miss her when she's not with us, it's really nice to be able to give Hudson some time with us where it's just all about him. So, naturally, we ventured out to find some TRAINS! Here are a few of my favorites from today:

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