Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hudson and Madeline are playing together more and more, it's awesome!

Maddie is still the happiest baby on the block. Unless of course she's been tackled by her brother.

Hudson is still really, really into baseball. And books. Baseball and books.

Maddie is still into EVERYTHING. Here she has removed everything from the bathroom and then she took all of the kleenex out of the box, one by one until it was empty. All of this in a matter of maybe 30 seconds.Then she was on to her next "project". She's very busy. Very, very busy. All I do is follow her around putting things back, picking things up, repairing things, sweeping things, wiping things...I stay very busy, too. Which is why I basically collapse at 9PM.

A new favorite past time, Maddie gets in the stroller and Hudson pushes her all around the house. He's not the most graceful stroller-pusher that ever was, but they both love it!

We spent a little time "shopping" today. When I say a little, I mean maybe 5 minutes actually shopping followed by an hour entertaining the kids. 

More "shopping". 
Maddie LOVES stuffed animals. She sleeps with three in her bed and is very attached to each of them. Anytime she sees one anywhere she beelines for it. Then she kisses it, talks to it, hugs and smiles at it. See above.

A brief stop at Starbucks for a little snack and playing with feet.

Here is M during her "nap". Standard nap procedure for little miss M.

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