Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, June 10, 2013


I can't tell you how much I love having two kids.


Well, me too.

For a long time I thought I'd never feel that way, because let's be honest, in the beginning, it was TOUGH. For at least the first 4 months or so I wondered what we'd done. Then, month by month things started getting easier as we settled into a routine.

There is this big blurry mess in my head, you know, the time between finding out we were moving to Seattle and then actually physically getting to Seattle. I have no idea what happened in those weeks. No clue. It all went by really, really fast. Then we were here. In Seattle. And suddenly, 5 months have passed. It doesn't seem possible. Where is the time going?

Hudson is much more grown up, even in the last few months. He's practically conversing like an adult and is completely and totally self sufficient. Well, maybe not completely, but darn close.

Maddie is becoming more and more independent, taking bigger and bigger steps away from me...and although there is an urge to grab her and pull her back and just hold her as long as I can, I know she needs to go. She needs to grow and become who she's going to be. It gives me such joy to see that she's doing all of this with the help of her big brother. They are always together, and like any siblings, they do have their moments, but generally they just really love each other.

Hudson is a huge help to me in so many ways, and having him along for the ride of Maddie's first year of life has made it so much more enjoyable. I love them so much and I love that they will always have each other.

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