Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, June 17, 2013


On our first date I told Scott I didn't want to ever get married. He didn't believe me. Though we didn't talk about it on our first date,  I also didn't think I wanted kids. I'd like to say I was just young and naive...but I was 31. I think at the time I just didn't believe there was such a thing as "Mr. Right". I mean, we all know that no one's perfect, but perfect for me, well that's a whole other thing. I didnt think perfect for me existed either.

As it turns out, "Mr. Perfect for Me" did exist and I knew that almost immediately with Scott. Now, 8 years later,  with 7 years of marriage and two beautiful children, I have never been more happy. Happy Anniversary, my love!

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