Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I have honestly had an exhausting week.


Sigh. Sigh.

Maddie is going through something (your guess is as good as mine) and it is causing major sleep disruption. MAJOR. A tooth, perhaps? Reaching her walking milestone? Change in schedule with Hud home all day? Transitioning to one nap? Who knows? And, if you do, please enlighten me. I'm tired.

Just when I thought we were past the bumpy nap phase, it's back in full effect, and right about the time Hudson was done with school. DOUBLE WHAMMY. YIKES!!!


But, alas, it is the end of yet another day and I plan to be asleep before 9PM so that when Maddie wakes me at 5:15AM I am rested and ready for another day. In all honesty, though, despite the challenges, I am grateful for every single exhausting day. I am grateful for two beautiful kids and for the gift of being home with them every day.

Here's a little bit of what we've been up to this week.

Fun in the sun.

Our child is OBSESSED with baseball.

OBSESSED, I tell you.
Gee, I wonder who may have had something to do with this obsession?

Little pumpkin has been working on perfecting her walking skills and is now regularly taking 7-10 steps at a time.

This one, NEVER needs a nap. NEVER is tired. NEVER wants to rest...but miraculously when he lays down on our bed...he falls asleep.

More sandbox fun.

It's funny to see them in sweatshirts in June. Oh, Seattle. I love you. I love you so much.

Our little tornado is climbing on EVERYTHING. Literally, EVERYTHING (see exhibit A below).
It's also worth noting that she is tall enough to reach door handles. Smart enough to understand how they work and what they do. Basement door (with very steep steps on the other side of them) handles in particular. Great.

Worth every exhausting moment, the little stinkers.

1 comment:

  1. BUMMER. Hopefully next week you'll get a bit of a break! Scarlett's playing with her best friend Grandpa even as I write this...
