Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, December 21, 2012

Last day at Junius Heights Montessori

Today was Hudson's last day of school at Junius Heights Montessori. I was a blubbering mess. I truly can not put into words what this experience has meant to me, how wonderful it has been for both Hudson and me, how he's grown up over the last year and half that he's been there, how he's changed, become more independent, gained confidence, made friends and learned so, so much. What an incredibly lucky little boy he was to have spent so many days with such wonderful people. I am heartbroken that our little angel girl won't have this same experience, but I am optimistic that we will find a wonderful school for her in Seattle.

Photos from Hudson's party today:

Hudson with the truly wonderful Sylvie

Maddie and Sylvie

The sandbox. Hudson LOVES the sandbox. We hear about it every day.

Eating with friends.

In the bouncy house. Sidenote: there is a bouncy house on Hudson's Christmas list

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