Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hudson's Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Hudson's third birthday with a party at Pump It Up!

Hud had the most fun I have ever seen him have, and I am pretty sure his daddy had an equally fun time. The party was (of course) "Thomas the Train" themed and his cake was seriously, a work of art. He had one bite. One bite! He doesn't like cake. How can we be related?

It's so hard to believe that three years have already flown by. It's happening way, way too fast.

Daddy and the Hud on the inflatables
Hudson and his friends checking out the cake
Hudson and all of his friends at his party
Thomas the Train cake, a work of art.
Here he is explaining that he is now THREE!
Hudson and his friend Jessica
In other news....Maddie is now sitting on her own.
She's also teething, which explains her lack of a smile.

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