Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, August 31, 2012

Stay-cation, Take Two

This morning Hudson got his cast off, yippee!!! AND, they took the pins out of his arm with NO anesthesia, you read that right, NO sedation! Hud was, as usual, a TOTAL CHAMP!! Since we missed out on "stay-cationing" when Hudson broke his arm, we decided to give it another go over Labor Day, so we're off! Hudson still can't really swim, he can't submerge his arms in the water due to the pin removal sites, but we've got a waterproof device so he can play in the water. He's also supposed to "take it easy", meaning no climbing or running for 6 weeks. Yeah, right. A two year old who doesn't climb or run? Sure! Clearly they don't recall how we ended up in this predicament in the first place, but okay...again, we'll try, but we make no guarantees! Here is the first photo from our stay-cation, stay tuned for more to come!

tip: since I'm posting from my phone, you'll have to click on the photo to see the full image

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