This morning we decided to take advantage of our zoo membership and the beautiful weather, so we headed out in our brand new Honda Odyssey (we're really excited about it, can you tell?) and arrived at the zoo bright and early. Hudson has been such a trooper lately running all over town to different car dealerships, shopping for bunk beds, bedding, baby gear for Madeline, and the list goes on and on...we've been busy and there hasn't been a whole lot of time for just Hudson. So this morning we dedicated ourselves to doing something fun just for him. He had a lot of fun at the zoo and seems to enjoy it more and more as he gets older. This is such a fun age, if only we could figure out a way to get rid of those "terrible two" tantrums. We are not enjoying that element of this age at all, but realize that like every other stage we've been through, this too shall pass. We hope.

Saying hello to the parrots.
Hudson really liked them, especially the blue one and thought that he was quite amusing.

The Hud and me visiting the giraffes, zebras and ostriches.
(Hud also thought the ostriches were hilarious).

Da-da and Hudson watching the lions bask in the sun.
Hudson also got to see a cheetah up close and personal during the "predator encounter" show right after this photo was taken. It was really, really neat. I think Scott and I may have enjoyed it more than Hudson!


First time ever on a merry-go-round!
Ma-ma was especially excited that Hudson asked her to go on with him, she's usually last choice for anything, da-da is ALWAYS his preferred partner in crime, but not today! Hey, he DOES love me!!

He loved it!

I love seeing him this happy!
What a cute little boy we have if I do say so myself!
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