He's sweet, he's funny and he's growing up TOO FAST! Lately he's talking so much, in big, long sentences about everything. He talks all the time, unless we're in a big group and then he's really, really reserved and very shy. We tell Hudson we love him all the time, but recently he started saying it back, "I wove you, tooooo, ma-ma" ... "I wove you, tooooo, da-da". It's the sweetest thing EVER. Sometimes he'll just come up to you out of the blue and say, "I wove you, too"...even if you haven't said, "I love you" first. He's also very affectionate with big hugs and big kisses throughout the day.
He hears everything and repeats everything you say. The fact that he walks around our house calling out "babe!" is a fine example of this, as Scott and I often call each other "babe" and he's learned that he can too. As a result Hudson was running around the park the other day calling me "babe!". I got some interesting looks as a result of this, but I couldn't help but laugh.

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