Well, we figured out one (I repeat, one) of Hudson's medical mysteries this morning. We saw a pediatric opthamologist who determined that the red bump under his eye is what's called a chalazion. A chalazion is a small bump in the eyelid caused by a blockage of a tiny oil gland. Symptoms include eyelid tenderness; increased tearing; painful swelling on the eyelid; sensitivity to light. Poor Hud. It's really just been one thing after another for him, and despite all of this, he is a trooper (see photo above for proof, this was at the doctor's office this morning, another self portrait). He really is such a good kid and friends, doctors and strangers remind me of this daily.
Unfortunately, the chalazion will not go away on it's own and could get worse if we do nothing. The doctor recommended surgery, so Hudson will be having surgery on April 3rd. It's an outpatient thing, but it is done in the hospital and it does require anesthesia- an awake, alert 2 year old with sharp objects near his eye is not a good thing, but I'm not crazy about the idea of anesthesia either. Recovery is fairly easy, he'll go home the same day with a patch on his eye. He may have a bruise for several weeks, but then he'll be good as new.
One problem down, a few more to go...and one very large deductible already met for the year 2012.
Unfortunately, the chalazion will not go away on it's own and could get worse if we do nothing. The doctor recommended surgery, so Hudson will be having surgery on April 3rd. It's an outpatient thing, but it is done in the hospital and it does require anesthesia- an awake, alert 2 year old with sharp objects near his eye is not a good thing, but I'm not crazy about the idea of anesthesia either. Recovery is fairly easy, he'll go home the same day with a patch on his eye. He may have a bruise for several weeks, but then he'll be good as new.
One problem down, a few more to go...and one very large deductible already met for the year 2012.
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