Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, December 31, 2012

Sick and TIRED

A week without a post from me is rare. There is A LOT going on in our world, complete craziness actually...we're leaving for Seattle in two weeks and two days. Holy Cow. It's starting to feel really, really REAL! Scott's parents have been here for two weeks. It's been so nice having them here, as always. We had a long list of things to do while they were here, but sadly we have not accomplished much from that list. Around Christmas Eve we all started feeling sick, and by "all" I mean every single one of us, and we're all STILL sick, though some are better today and some are worse. It's been a really yucky week of sneezing, coughing, not sleeping, etc...Poor Madeline has the worst of it all though. In addition to being sick she's cutting another tooth (this makes 3 total) all in a few weeks time. It's been really rough for her. Sleep has been a huge challenge which has made for one very, very grumpy mommy. So, my apologies for the lack of posts, I do have some fun Christmas pics I hope to post eventually (if I can ever get well again, which is honestly questionable at this stage of the game). Anyways, here are a few pics from the last few days.

She has replaced her beautiful smile with this sweet face. I suspect she's getting some pain relief by sucking on her lip. Poor baby.

She's still super, super cute, though.

Hud's very first hot chocolate. He said he loved it at the time, but now he says he didn't like it. So indecisive, this one.

The train table has kept him very busy. It's another on of those things he likes/dislikes depending on the time of day you ask. I know he secretly loves the table,  and I suspect his need to say, "I don't like my train table!" every few days is just typical three-year-old behavior. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve at the Park

Maddie and her daddy. It wasn't that cold out, but you know, you worry when they're babies...

Being silly

And cute

the slide with daddy, first time on the slide!

Really excited about going to the park!

With Papa in the swing

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa photo

Here it is, the one you've all been waiting for...the Santa pic. Hudson did so well, you can tell he was a little unsure about the whole thing. He kept uttering, "I want a train table, I want a train table, I want a train table..." I'm not sure Santa heard him completely but he did promise Hudson he'd be through Dallas with presents around 11pm on Christmas Eve. Madeline just smiled through the whole experience. I'm doubtful this will be the case next year.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Last day at Junius Heights Montessori

Today was Hudson's last day of school at Junius Heights Montessori. I was a blubbering mess. I truly can not put into words what this experience has meant to me, how wonderful it has been for both Hudson and me, how he's grown up over the last year and half that he's been there, how he's changed, become more independent, gained confidence, made friends and learned so, so much. What an incredibly lucky little boy he was to have spent so many days with such wonderful people. I am heartbroken that our little angel girl won't have this same experience, but I am optimistic that we will find a wonderful school for her in Seattle.

Photos from Hudson's party today:

Hudson with the truly wonderful Sylvie

Maddie and Sylvie

The sandbox. Hudson LOVES the sandbox. We hear about it every day.

Eating with friends.

In the bouncy house. Sidenote: there is a bouncy house on Hudson's Christmas list

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Every once in a while you get lucky with a photo like this...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I have been completely consumed with Seattle. There is extreme excitement in the air, yet there is also an abundance of stress right along with it. Everything is happening so fast and yet it isn't happening fast enough.

Thursday night Scott and I were watching Grey's Anatomy (which is filmed in Seattle in case you're not a fan of the show), and as the Seattle skyline appeared on the screen Scott and I both looked at each other and just smiled. Soon, we'll be there. There, where we've wanted to be for quite some time now.  

Yippee! We are so excited! BUT...

Then, there's a teeny, tiny, minute amount of sadness that comes with leaving a city we've called home for so long. We're leaving a house we have loved for more than 6 years, the first home we ever bought, where we started our lives together. We're leaving the city in which we met and fell in love. The city we became a family in, where are children were born. We're leaving countless favorite restaurants and endless shopping (this one is probably more sad for me than Scott). We're leaving a city we know well. The highways, the back roads, the "local" spots that only the "locals" know.

We're officially in "count-down" mode, making lists daily of things we must do before we depart Big D, and yet, in the whirl-wind of it all, we're still finding time to take a little break now and then and just laugh and play with our beautiful children. Somehow those moments, moments of joy and laughter that we don't dare take for granted, make everything seem calm and peaceful, even in the chaos. No matter where we go, as long as we are together, I'll be happy.

Here are some of my favorite moments from this week.

Ok, perhaps not a favorite...but it's honest. It's not always pretty around here.
With daddy on the bumblebee.
One of those moments...
Someone is REALLY into raspberries these days
Her eyes are changing on us. Less blue everyday, more greenish brown.
It's a good day when you score a tennis ball at the park.
One of her first times on the swing. She wasn't really sure what was happening, but I believe that's the start of a smile there. Oh, and she's teething.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today I am reminded that every single minute with my babies is a precious one. I'm hugging them a little heart just aches for those who lost their children today in Connecticut.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This might be the happiest baby ever.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hudson's Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Hudson's third birthday with a party at Pump It Up!

Hud had the most fun I have ever seen him have, and I am pretty sure his daddy had an equally fun time. The party was (of course) "Thomas the Train" themed and his cake was seriously, a work of art. He had one bite. One bite! He doesn't like cake. How can we be related?

It's so hard to believe that three years have already flown by. It's happening way, way too fast.

Daddy and the Hud on the inflatables
Hudson and his friends checking out the cake
Hudson and all of his friends at his party
Thomas the Train cake, a work of art.
Here he is explaining that he is now THREE!
Hudson and his friend Jessica
In other news....Maddie is now sitting on her own.
She's also teething, which explains her lack of a smile.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Happy Birthday to our sweet, sweet little boy, Hudson!

It's hard to imagine life before you were born, my love. You have changed our lives in ways we never thought possible. You have given us more joy than any other experience in our lives. You have filled our hearts with love and taught us to love like we had never done before. You have made us laugh, you have made us cry. You have made us proud. You have taught us patience and given us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves. You have changed the way we see the world. You've given us a new perspective on everything. You have taught us what's most important in this world. You have given us the greatest gift we've known. We are so lucky to be your mommy and daddy. Today we celebrate you, the gift of your life and the joy you bring into this world. We love you so, so much!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


You might be wondering where I've been all week....well, we have some VERY EXCITING news and it's just about taken over every aspect of our lives. In January we are going to be calling this city home:

Friday, November 30, 2012

Yesterday while Madeline was napping Hudson and I played outside. He told me that he wanted to wave to all the cars as they drove by. So he sat on the step and waved to every single one. Only two people didn't wave back. Bah-humbugs! We also managed to squeeze in a game of peek-a-boo at the Hud's request. He changes every single week. So much. So, so much. He is such a tremendous joy to be around and he makes me laugh every day. Love this kid!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6 months

Our little angel is 6 months old this week and today she had her 6 month check-up. Not surprisingly she is greater than 95% in both height and weight, weighing in at 19 pounds and 7 ounces and measuring 27.5 inches long. She is a big girl and she's growing waaaaaayyyyy too fast for my liking. In comparison, the Hud was also in the greater than 95% in both height and weight at his 6 month check-up, he weighed 22 pounds and measured in at 27.5 inches as well. Tall daddy's make tall babies. Today I made Hudson's 3 year check-up appointment. I can't believe it.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Lights

Yesterday we (okay, Scott) took on the outdoor Christmas lights installation. Having only done this once since we moved into this house, we grossly underestimated the number of lights we would need for this project. Therefore, our halfway decorated yard will have to suffice until next weekend when we can pick up where we left off. We had fun watching though!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Decorating the Tree

This weekend we decorated our Christmas tree.
Maddie was in awe of the lights, and of course she smiled the entire time.


This was the first year the Hud really got involved
 with decorating the tree.


Since he was excited about it, we decided it was time for 
Hudson to choose some new ornaments for the tree.
His choices will not surprise you.
Happy Holidays!