Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sick since Friday

Hud, happy, healthy, and with avacado on his face.

Hud, not so happy, not so healthy,
asleep en route to his doctor this morning.

Yeah, he's sick. Again. I'm loving Hudson's school, but I am not loving this aspect of it. He came down with a fever on Friday afternoon which lasted the entire weekend. Oddly, he didn't have any other symptoms, but we could tell he didn't feel well. Monday morning his fever finally broke, but he still wasn't eating much and his tummy was upset, so he stayed home from school and we worked on getting better. This morning, Hudson broke out in a rash all over his entire body- poor guy! We headed up to see his pediatrician, where he was diagnosed with Roseola, a virus which is very common in children ages 2-3. The doctor said it was basically a "right of passage" for kids his age. Perfect! Soooo glad we got that one out of the way. Strangely enough, the doctor said once the rash shows up they're no longer contagious. My fingers are crossed that he continues to improve and can go back to school tomorrow. This mommy much prefers a happy, healthy version of the Hud.

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