Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Da-Da and Me

Mommy had a lot going on this weekend with her animal rescue group's annual fundraiser on Saturday evening, so I got to spend a lot of time with my Da-Da, which was AWESOME! I had so much fun with Da-Da and I was so sad to see him go to work this morning.

We did lots of fun things, like swim class, a few trips to the park, and I even got to go for a jog with Da-Da in my jogging stroller. When we got home Da-Da was stretching and I copied everything he did. Ma-Ma thought this was adorable and wishes she could have seen it herself.

Yesterday the three of us got to go to the park and Ma-Ma took some photos of me and Da-Da together. Everywhere we go these days people say I look like my Da-Da. It's quite the compliment, I think. Ma-Ma says she thinks Da-Da is especially handsome, so that must mean I am too.

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