Most of you don't get to see the Hud very often, so I thought I'd share with you some of things he's up to these days.
1.) School. Hudson is now loving his school! He goes without any trouble and although he's happy to see me, he's is sad to leave school. He's made several friends at school, but his favorite is a little boy named Zane. Anytime you mention school, Hudson starts saying, " Zane, Zane, Zane." This morning Zane got to school the same time as Hudson and Zane's mom said when Zane saw Hudson he said "friend". His mom said, "who is your friend?" Zane replied, "Hudson". AWWWWWE!!!!! The cutest! Last week we went to the park and bumped into Zane and his mom there. When Hudson saw Zane he walked over to him and said "Zane!" and then gave him a hug. Talk about melting your heart! I am so, so proud to have such a sweet and loving child.
2.) Bye-Bye. Hudson is into waving bye-bye to everyone and everything. Typically babies start waving bye-bye at a much earlier age, Hud was never into it. We attributed it to personality at the time. Not to worry, he's making up for lost time with his byebye/waving explosion right now! When we leave the park, he waves bye-bye. When we finish our bath he waves bye-bye to the bath tub. We went to the doctor on Tuesday and when the doctor was leaving the room he waved bye-bye. Every night when we get him ready for bed, I give him a kiss and leave the room while Scott sits with him and tucks him in bed. After I give him a kiss he waves bye-bye to me while I leave the room. He sees da-da leaving in the morning for work and waves bye-bye. I should also mention that the bye-bye wave is accompanied by a very sad moaning sound which we think means "I don't want to say goodbye to you, but I have to, so here is a goodbye wave to make up for it."
3.) The Park. We go to the Park almost every day. Hudson loves to go and is getting quite accustomed to the routine of the park after his afternoon nap. If we get in the car and don't go to the park, he gets very upset with me and repeats "park, park, park" over and over again. We're taking full advantage of this beautiful fall weather while we can, so you'll probably be seeing a lot more park pictures on the blog in the near future. Going to the park with my son is one of my very favorite things to do. There is just so much joy, for both me and him. I get to see him so happy and having so much fun, and that alone is fun for me. I love how being at the park with my child brings out my inner child, too. It's a time for me and Hudson to play, have fun and not worry about anything else in the world. I realize every time I'm there how incredibly fortunate I am to be able to spend this time with Hudson. I will always treasure and love the memories that come from our time together while we're there.
4.) Ut-oh. When you're dealing with a toddler there are a lot of "ut-oh's" in your day. I guess I say "ut-oh" when there's a spill, something falls, drops, breaks, all of which happen frequently around this house. Now Hudson is chiming in.... He says "ut-oh" for everything! Sometimes when there isn't even an "ut-oh". It makes me laugh to think about what goes on in that silly head of his.
5.) Getting dressed. Hudson is really into picking out his own clothes, which is sometimes a little scary, let's face it. However, this is an important part of his growing independence, and we try to encourage it. Yesterday we were running late getting to school so I just grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on him and this was very upsetting to the Hud. I had no idea it was so important to him until this incident. Lesson learned, mommy....from now on, the Hud is in charge of choosing his sweatshirt.
6.) The World Series. Yeah, the world series...As a general rule we don't usually have the tv on while Hudson is awake. For some reason, Scott has decided we can bend the rules with regard to sports. First there was football on Sunday afternoon and now there's the World Series. Last night Scott asked Hudson if he wanted to watch some baseball. The Hud of course said "yeah" and then "pleased" like crazy. He even knows how to "pitch". Wonder who taught him that? Like father, like son. Oh-boy.