Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

631 days

For the last 631 days I've been home with Hudson, taking care of him, looking after him, playing with him, feeding him, changing him, reading to him, tickling him, snuggling with him, talking to him, taking classes with him, changing diapers...well, you get the point...and let's face it, there were days I loved every single second of it. There were plenty of days I didn't. Days I felt I was incredibly lucky to be able to stay home with my son and days I wished I hadn't decided to. I've learned so much in this time with my son, and I can easily say that parenting, in particular stay-at-home parenting, is BY FAR the hardest job I have ever had, and believe me, I've had some rough jobs. But, even on the hardest days when I would stop and take a breath I would think to myself, try to enjoy these moments because you won't have them forever, and it's true.

Tomorrow Hudson starts his first day of preschool at Junius Heights Montessori School. The first day I get to go with him, and it's only for 30 minutes. From there he starts to go alone and they gradually increase his 30 minutes to an hour, then an hour and a half, and so on and so forth until he gets to 3 hours a day. Scott and I had our first "parent meeting" last weekend and it really hit me that Hudson is starting school. This is it- the first real separation from me that he'll experience, and even worse- the first real separation from him that I'll experience. I envision myself sitting in the car parked down the street sobbing uncontrollably for the first few days. I just can't believe how quickly this is happening, and although I think Hudson is so ready and Scott and I feel so good about his school, our special time together is ending and another part of his life is beginning. I've been anticipating this all week as I've been getting Hudson's things together for school, and I keep thinking... this must be how empty-nesters feel when their children go off to school. It's only been 631 days for me and I feel sad, how am I going to handle this when he leaves 16 years from now?

I know we'll still have a lot of time together in the afternoons and I look forward to it. I know that Hudson and I will always have a special bond because of the time we've spent together. I know that a big part of who he is is in part because of me and I could not be more proud. The last 631 days will always hold a very special place in my heart. There is absolutely no doubt that being a mom is the best, most challenging, most rewarding, most amazingly wonderful experience of my life and I am so thankful to my little boy for making it so special.

I love you, love-bug, and I will miss you!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Danger Zone

Yes, we are officially in it...the danger zone.
Why? Well, the Hud has recently taken up climbing...He's actually been climbing for a while now, but suddenly he's become quite the little dare devil in connection with the climbing. If it's climbable, the Hud's climbing it! If it's not climbable, the Hud's climbing it.

This morning Hudson climbed into his highchair completely on his own and even attempted to buckle himself in and put his tray on his lap. A few days ago he pushed a chair up to the guest bed, which is fairly high off the ground, and climbed from the chair to the bed and began jumping. Yesterday he tried climbing on the top ledge of the couch, since he's climbing all over the couch anyways, I guess he figured he'd try something a little more challenging. Thankfully I was sitting right there because his attempt at getting to the top was a success. Needless to say, my stress level has grown exponentially over the last week or so.

Obviously I have to keep a very close eye on him as we are officially smack dab, right in the middle of the danger zone.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fall Swim Class started today!

At the end of the summer swim class, Hudson's teacher, Lisa told us Hudson was the happiest water-baby she'd ever had in any of her classes. We really liked Lisa and wanted to continue with her in the Fall, but she wasn't available as she is now the Deck Manager at the pool. So when we showed up for class today she was there to greet us and told us how delighted she was to see Hudson continuing his lessons.

We've heard stories recently of friends who started swim class with their child early but didn't continue with it. Then when they tried to return to swim lessons some time later their child had become afraid of the water. It is really important to us that Hudson learn how to swim, so we have committed to sticking with the swim lessons for the duration. Thankfully he loves it!

Hudson was super excited when we told him he was going swimming this morning and promptly walked into his room, opened up his chest of drawers, pulled out his swim trunks and brought them to us, complete with a loud, happy enthusiastic sigh...and he was equally as happy to see the pool this morning when we arrived at Emler Swim School. He smiled from ear to ear and could hardly wait to get in the water. He did really well in class today and went under water for 6 seconds; his goal is to get up to about 10 seconds. We know he can do it, Hudson is a great little swimmer!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

more Seattle

Every time we visit Seattle I am so in awe of the beauty that surrounds the city. I find myself envious of all of the people who get to call Seattle home. Yes, I've heard that the weather is terrible most of the year, it's dark, it's gloomy, and I'm sure this would bring even the happiest person down a little. To be fair, I haven't spent much time in Seattle during the gloomy days of those winter months, so I can't say I understand what everyone complains about. But I will say this, Seattle beats Dallas any day of the year and that's a fact. Hands down without a doubt...Even on a foggy, cool morning it's absolutely beautiful. Please see the evidence below.

A few months ago I decided it was time to go visit my gramma (Hudson's great gramma) who is living at the Wyatt House on Bainbridge Island, west of Seattle. I was originally going to take a quick trip by myself since it's a long way to go with a toddler, but I knew my gramma would enjoy seeing the Hud, and I knew Scott would welcome the opportunity to spend some time with his family, too. So away we went. There simply is never enough time to see and do all of the things you'd like to while we're there, and it is very difficult to come home to 110 degrees of yuckiness, but, I digress...we really enjoyed our trip to Seattle and Bainbridge Island and are already trying to find some time to make it up to the Northwest again.

The Hud wasn't too thrilled about hanging out in a retirement home, so Scott took him into Seattle to visit his family while I stayed on Bainbridge Island and visited my gramma. I had an amazing couple of days with her and am so thankful for my wonderful husband who took over with Hudson so I could have some time with my gramma. Thank you, sweetheart. XO

Here he is...I know it isn't a great photo of Hudson, but I thought Scott looked especially handsome in this photo, so I felt it was blog-worthy.

This was one of my favorite places on Bainbridge Island, Bainbridge Gardens. So beautiful! Not only is it full of flowers which are all alive and blooming, unlike the flowers in Dallas which all died months ago...but there is a fabulous cafe in the gardens with fresh, organic and healthy, yummy food which we all enjoyed for lunch one afternoon. You would never know I didn't like Dallas, would you?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Seattle Zoo

With cousin Scarlett in the wagon.

Riding solo.

So "little boy"...where did my "baby" go?

Follow me!

With my Da-Da-dada!! at the zoo, checking out the flamingos.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seattle, we miss you

The original Starbucks, Seattle.

Ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island.

Pike Place Market, Seattle.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


The Hud says, "I've got what I need for the trip."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

a week of pics

Our morning watering ritual started with planting a new plant.
The 113 degree weather for days on end
doesn't work well for most plants.

The Hud is one of the most hydrated kids in town!
He drinks about 5 sippy cups full of water daily, some days more.
This is in addition to the milk he consumes 3x a day.
Needless to say, we're changing diapers a lot around the house.
Thankfully, we've already started working on potty training.

Last Saturday afternoon, heading to lunch.
Just when I think Hudson is getting big,
I see him next to his daddy and suddenly he's small again.

Hudson is an extremely picky eater.
When it comes to cheese he only eats one
specific kind from Central Market.
If they stop carrying it, we could have some problems.
Try to throw in some string cheese, cubed cheese, sliced cheese,
shredded cheese, melted cheese...he's just not havin' it.
This is when I start to wonder, is he really my child?
I think he's inherited his Grandpa Bill's taste in foods.
No cheese.
Loves burgers- plain, with nothing on them, just the patty...
We might be in trouble! (we love you, grandpa, Bill!)

At swim class with daddy yesterday.
Sorry this is such a terrible photo, I forgot my camera...
so I had to use the phone.

When mommy and daddy stop for Starbucks,
Hudson always wants a sip.
Give our toddler coffee when he's already got more energy
than both of us combined? We think not.
So, now we get him his very own Starbucks and he's happy!
It's a "tall, nonfat, no whip, no sugar, iced water" with a straw.

Yeah, as I said...this kid drinks A LOT of water!
Hey, it's HOT in Texas!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011