Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I am happy to report that since last week things have improved tremendously! We think the medications Hudson is now taking are really helping, and he's made significant progress on his food therapy! In fact, we don't have to go back for two weeks, and he may be "discharged" at that visit if things continue to improve. YAY!
Thanks to all of you who read the blog regularly for your support and for keeping us in your thoughts these last few months. I still haven't been able to do a lot with the camera lately, but I've been taking some pics with my phone (they're not as good) but I think you'll still enjoy them.

My co-pilot

Pull toys are Hud's new favorite thing...two at a time is fun!

Napping with Da-Da.

Hud's sign language has really improved lately, here he signs "more" at breakfast.

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