Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yesterday we joined some friends at
the Hotel Palomar for some fun in the sun.

Hudson was not interested in wearing his sunglasses...

But he sure did love swimming with his daddy
(and mommy, too...but daddy is not very good about taking photos to prove it).

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey there, it's me, Hudson.
Just hanging out in the backyard...

With my brother, Willy Wonka and sister, Dulce.
Mommy says that really she has three kids...
but I only count one?

Sometimes I get tired running around outside
and I have to sit down and take a little break.
My girl, Dulce is always by my side.

Even though I love her a lot,
sometimes I have to have a little "talk" with her
when she plays with her ball.
I just need to make sure she understands

1.) that it is a baaaaaall, so I say it to her over and over again,
2.) it belongs to me, as do all baaaaaalllss.

I don't think she's a very good listener.

My friend KitKat came out to play this morning.
Mommy calls her an "inside kitty".
That means we have to watch her very closely
so she doesn't get out of the yard.

I'm just the man for the job!

I tell her she has to be good or
we have to go inside just like mommy tells me.
She isn't a very good listener either, but she listens better than Dulce!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My friend, Ethan

Ethan is my friend who was born four days before me.
He lives just around the corner
and he came by yesterday to play with me.
We had so much fun,
and mommy took a whole lot of pictures,
so there might be more pictures of us tomorrow.

Ethan had really cool shoes on.
I made sure to give them the once-over.
I also figured out how to take them of, in case he needed to know.

We're really curious about what's going on out there.

And, of course, what play-date would be complete
without jumping around in Dulce's dog bed?
It's so much fun!
We played a good game of,
"who can scream the loudest?"

I think I won.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What I'm up to these days

This is the face I make
when I'm really excited about something.
It's usually accompanied by a loud screeching sound,
so be glad this blog entry does not come with sound effects.

Look, I finally have some hair!
Mommy gave me a pretend mo-hawk this morning.
She thought it was funny, but I don't know why.

Willy Wonka is really starting to like me.
I play tug-o-war with him all the time.
I'm also really good at picking up his toys
and throwing them right at him.
Mommy says to be nice.
I'm learning to play with him,
but I still have a ways to go.

This is how I talk on the phone.

I'm still much more of an observer than a talker.
However, last week I pointed to a car and said
very clearly (and perfectly pronounced), "car".
It really surprised mommy and daddy.
Other new words include:
"pap" (apple), "book", "cat", and "babbbaaaa" (balloon).
Mommy thinks I'm not very interested
in saying words unless I can say them exactly right.
So, I'm holding out a little while longer.
She thinks someday soon
I'm just going to start saying everything,
and it will surprise everyone.
We'll see if I feel like it.

I love to be outside,
and we go everyday if it isn't raining.
I always find a puddle and some mud to run through.
I also manage to scrape my knees up
at least once a week. This week it was twice!
Apparently I'm not very good at listening.
Mommy and Daddy say I need to
work on my "listening skills",
but who has time to listen
when there is so much to explore in this world?
And, as you can see...Dulce is still my girl.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Check me out...aren't I handsome?

Hide and Seek is one of my favorite things right now!

I also enjoy chasing the ducks around the park.
They don't seem to like it as much as me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

more sprinklers

These two are constantly running through the sprinklers.
I guess it's true what they say, "boys will be boys...."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back to the ZOO!

It's been so nice here in Dallas, we're trying to take advantage of it while we can, so off to the zoo we went today and the Hud LOVED it! We saw elephants, giraffes, lions, chimpanzees and a whole bunch of others! This trip was much better than the first, and we have a feeling we'll be headed back soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011