Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, November 29, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from Smushy Face

On Thanksgiving Day we traditionally give thanks for all of the wonderful things in our life. This year, Scott and I are so grateful for so much, but mostly we are grateful for each other, our families, our beautiful, happy and healthy son on his first Thanksgiving, our first kids - the dogs (and cat), a warm and safe place to call home and most of all we're thankful for the smushy face.

If you're wondering what a smushy face is just take a look at the photos in this post. We believe this is Hudson's attempt to give everyone and everything he loves a kiss, and it's the absolute sweetest, cutest thing we've ever seen. It's called the smushy face because he sorta just smushes his face into you, and believe's quite smushy- especially if you're lucky enough to get a smushy face with some drool. Almost all of us in the house have received a smushy face - with the exception of poor Willy Wonka who has yet to receive one. Mommy and Daddy get them pretty regularly, as does Mr. Monkey, Mr. Yellow Frog, and Mr. Elephant. Also recently given a smushy face - Dulce's paw and Kitkat's tummy.

We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Okay, I realize this is a little sappy....but I can't help it.
There are just very few things in life
as wonderful as laughing with your child,
and it's pretty awesome that I get to do it every single day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

teething continues and a new friend

Well, one thing's for sure this morning...Hudson has some teeth coming in...again. Wow, is he cranky!! We're talking a whole new level of irritability here. He already has 8 teeth, but I think he's working on his first molars which I read start coming in between 10-14 months. I've got lots of proof for this theory...1.) he's waking up EARLY- 5:45AM to be exact...have I mentioned I'm not happy about this??, 2.) he's constantly got his hand in his mouth (see image #1), 3.) he is whiny and fussy when he is awake, 4.) he wants to be held all the time. Let's just say I'm really hoping this comes and goes quickly. Fingers crossed.
In other news, Hudson and I were at the park yesterday when a little boy named Alex came over and introduced himself to us. He took a liking to Hudson immediately and proceeded to spend an hour of his afternoon talking to, playing with and entertaining Hudson. Nevermind the fact that his nanny never even glanced our way while the child she was supposed to be watching spent an hour with a stranger (me) and her child. Nothing surprises me these days...
Hudson wasn't sure what to think of Alex at first. He's very skeptical by nature (wonder who he gets that from?) and isn't handing out smiles to just anyone. Hudson makes you work for it. Well, this little boy certainly did. The highlight of our hour came when Alex asked if he could push Hudson on the swing. I figured this was okay, but quickly wondered if I'd made a mistake when Alex asked if he pushed hard enough would Hudson go upside down....hmmm.....let's not find out. It was a fun afternoon, and when we left the park we had a new friend who asked if we'd be back tomorrow. Yep, probably.

Monday, November 22, 2010

guaranteed to make you smile

Okay, I realize I'm a little tiny bit partial here, but isn't this the cutest "diaper butt" you've ever seen? It just makes me smile. And look at those legs! No wonder we get the "he's gonna be a linebacker" comment numerous times a week. And for those of you wondering, Hudson had his foot measured for shoes this weekend. He's a size 5. Yep. The guy at Nordstrom who measured his foot said, "wow, that's the average size of an 18 month old!" Yes, we know. He's off-the-charts- big in every single category. No wonder mommy is having back problems.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Scribbles and Dribbles continues

I am absolutely loving Scribbles and Dribbles with Hudson! Perhaps it's my love of paint, or maybe the fact that I would love it if he too has a passion for art?? The class really is so much fun and I know he enjoys it as well. We only have one class left, so I think we're going to have to sign up to take the class again in the Spring.
I was so proud of Hudson yesterday because he actually painted with a paintbrush (instead of attempting to put the paintbrush in his mouth) and he actually drew with chalk on the chalkboard...although he did have a mouthful of paint several times during the class (don't worry it's not toxic!), and he made several attempts to eat the chalk, I still say he's making great progress, and great art!
I'll post some images of his artwork once the class is finished on December 2nd.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

upping the ante

It's becoming increasingly obvious that we need to "up the ante" on the baby-proofing around the house....or should I say toddler-proofing? There's not much about the Hud that says "baby" anymore, this little boy is all toddler these days, and he's into EVERYTHING! Opening cabinets, climbing into the dishwasher and making every attempt to climb the stairs possible. Thankfully, we did install a baby gate, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He's very persistent.

I've also concluded recently, that one things for sure about having a baby...just when you get settled into a somewhat predictable "routine", things change again. They are constantly changing, and you realize that you're not in control of this situation at all. As much as you may try to be, they're the ones running this show and it's up to you to keep up with them.

This week for example, Hud's decided that he prefers to wake up a little earlier, say 5:30-6-ish, as opposed to his usual 7AM wake up time that we worked SO HARD to get to. I'm hoping this is just another phase, but it's not looking good. So for now, I'll have to adjust my bed time and get to bed earlier. These early mornings are not my favorite. He sure is worth it, though.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jessica's birthday party

Hudson met Jessica in our adult/infant class at St. Alcuin. They've had a few playdates since our class ended, and this weekend we attended Jessica's "Paris" themed birthday party. Well, I didn't get great pictures...there was a lot going on and it was difficult to get anyone to sit still, but I thought Hudson looked especially dapper in his sweater, so I thought I'd post them anyways. Hudson seemed a little overwhelmed by all of the action, but he loved all of the balloons and even took one home!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

moving on...

Every time I go into Hudson's room in the morning or after a nap, lovey has been tossed out of the crib. I guess he thinks he doesn't need her anymore. Poor lovey.

Then I thought, maybe lovey had been replaced by Mr. Monkey.
It's obvious Hudson has a soft spot for Mr. Monkey...
he's seen in this photo (I believe) trying to kiss Mr. Monkey
as he pulls him out of his crib...

Giving him a hug....

and then tossing him aside just like lovey and moving on....
Poor Mr. Monkey. Maybe he and lovey can hang out together.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

my love for the cat

(insert loud screeching noise hear), look what I found!!

ok, compose yourself, try not to act too

I can't contain myself anymore, this is so much fun!!!

I love you , kitkat!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

afternoon visit to the park (again)

I'm not sure what we're going to do when it gets really cold here soon. Hudson loves going to the park and we go almost every afternoon. He loves to just sit and observe everything going on around him. Yesterday there was a little boy riding a bike around the park and Hudson could not take his off of him. He loves being around the other kids at the park, and since he's home with me most of the time, the park is one of our only opportunities to do so. When he's around the older toddlers who are actually talking, Hudson watches them intently and makes his best attempt at conversation. You can't possibly make out what he's trying to say, but I find it especially adorable anyways.