Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day... It seems to me there should be more than one of these a year. Call me biased, but really, is there a tougher job on the planet? No. Tough? Yes. Rewarding? Yes. Challenging? Yes. But, there is nothing else, no other experience, that even compares to parenting, or more specifically, to being a mom. We give it our all. No one does it perfectly, but we moms do it out of our pure desire to be moms, out of our genuine, unconditional love for our babies, and every single one of us would do it again and again, it's THAT wonderful.

There's no denying that daily I have questions. I worry, am I doing this right? Could I do it better? 

Then I come back to this: I LOVE my kids, more than anything, more than I could have imagined I was ever capable of. I truly can't imagine not being a mom, and though there were times in my life I thought parenting was not in my future, today I am convinced it IS my reason for being. There is no greater love, no greater reward, no comparison to anything else anywhere. At least not for me, in my life thus far.

And so, Mother's Day, for me, is about celebrating the amazing privilege of being a mom to two little human beings who amaze me every day, who give me joy beyond words and who teach me something about me, about life, every single day.

When you're young you see things differently, though, and then something happens when you grow up. You gain perspective through your experiences, through your realities and then you start to see things differently, and through all of this, you start to really appreciate those who have loved you all along, your parents, your grandparents, your siblings.

When you become a mom, your perspective changes again, because you never really understand what your mom has done for you until you become a mom yourself. The sacrifices and the selflessness, it takes daily. The strength and courage it takes to be a mom, to teach your kids, to love and respect them, to be there to support them, and help them become the amazing beings they're meant to be.

Mother's Day is about celebrating the person who believed in you all along.

Me and my mom, circa 1975?

I had an amazing Mother's Day, it was relaxing, there was a lot of sleeping (on my part- thank you, Scott) and time with my family, my mom and my sweet children who I am thankful for every single day. 

Mother's Day, 2014

With the grandparents, Mother's Day, 2014

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