Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Plague, oh, and 22 months

I thought I had escaped the plague that has ridden our family, but alas, I was not so lucky. Turns out I've got a nasty virus with a very unforgiving cough that is causing sleepless nights and tremendous difficulty getting through the day with a 4YO and a 2YO.

It occurred to me today while chasing this little stinker through the park, that she's saying and doing so much that brings smiles to our faces and I'm not writing any of it down! So, at 22 months (and a day), here are the things that make Maddie, Maddie. 

She's fast and fearless and she'll keep you on your toes. She never stops moving, laughs a lot, adores her brother who she calls "Hudsons", always plural. Kind-of like "medicine" which there's been a lot of lately, it's also always plural, "medicines". 

She has an infectious smile, amazing eyes and beautiful, long eyelashes. She's remarkably verbal for her age, can speak in full sentences, can sing the ABC's and the Frosty the Snowman song, she's crazy about Frosty. Every snowman is Frosty. She has at least 5 versions of the Frosty book, the movie, and it is her favorite song to sing right before falling asleep.

She fears nothing. Literally nothing. If she wants to do it, she's doing it and if you want to go to battle with her, be prepared, she almost always wins. She is strong, physically and emotionally, well coordinated, highly motivated and very, very silly. She and her brother love to laugh and make each other giggle. It is a true joy to watch and I am elated that they are playing together!

She doesn't DO the small slide anymore. She plays with the big kids now. There's no turning back. 

She does things her way. Who are we to say it's not the "right" way?

Other silly things-
If you cough or make any noise that sounds remotely like a sneeze, she says, "bless you!" Then she brings you water. 
Anytime you say you're going somewhere, she says, "Me too! Me too!!" Even if it's blatantly obvious she's coming, too. 
She knows the names of the parks we go to and says so sweetly, "Big Howe!" "Little Howe!" "Coe park! Me too!!!"
Either she's super observant or we go there way too much, but anytime we drive past Trader Joe's she says, "Joe! Joe's! Sucker!!!", because when you go to Trader Joe's they give you a sucker. 
She's really into books. She must get this from Hudson who loves books more than anything else! She brings you a book and says, "Red it! Red it! Peeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssseeeeee?!?"
It's really hard to tell her no. For me. This is not good. 
I will be sad when she stops saying "gogurt" and can pronounce it the right way- yogurt. 
She also calls Willy Wonka "kaka!" (Hud used to call him "Anta", the poor dog has no idea what his name is).
She loves all of the pets, but has a really soft spot for kitkat (kitty catty) and says, "kitty catty, hug! Kitty catty kiss!" Then hugs and kisses the cat. Kitkat is scared to death of her, but is incredibly tolerant of her and just let's it happen.
She has been telling us for a long time "I lovey, mommy! I lovey, daddy! I lovey Hudson!" It is the sweetest thing ever! Now she's transitioning to, "I lovey much, mommy! I lovey much, daddy!" She's also very generous with her kisses. I lovey them much!
Scott claims she's me exactly. At least in personality. Strong, determined, independent. Hmmmm...

At 22 months, I love this precious little soul more than anything, she is truly special, and though she keeps me on my toes, I wouldn't have it any other way! I lovey much, baby girl!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Catching up

So, this pretty much sums up things around here lately. There's all kinds of coughing going on and we're going through tissues like never before. I think it's lack of sunshine. I love you, Seattle, but...geeeeeeeeeez! Enough rain.

Then...on Monday, the sun came out! Yippee! Oh, Seattle, I love you again! 

It was the perfect day to stroll/roll on the sand and soak in some sunshine....

And re-charge our immune systems.

At breakfast this morning with special guests Elmo and Buzz Lightyear, courtesy of Maddie. 

"Mommy, today I took a nap and it felt good!" 


Maddie woke up from her (very short) nap saying, no, screaming, "Hudson!!" 

When I went to get her I told her that Hud was still sleeping, so she said, "Hudson, kiss! Kiss Hudson!" And then....

Monday, March 24, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sick of sick

Here are this week's diagnoses:

Scott- pneumonia
Hudson- sinus infection
Maddie- croup

No, I'm not kidding. Our entire house is fighting sickness, except me. How I've managed to escape is beyond me...either that or I'm too busy taking care of everyone else I haven't had time to notice that I'm sick, too. Whatever the case may be, I'm really, really ready for everyone to be healthy again. Good grief!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


A couple of weeks ago I asked Hudson, "Who is your favorite friend?" Thinking he'd name one of his fellow classmates, I was practically moved to tears when he said without hesitation, "Maddie." (And he looked at me with a sort-of "duh!" expression, as if I should have known). 

Thursday, March 13, 2014


T-Ball practice #1, with his very best bud, Presley. The two were inseparable, they had a blast! It's going to be a fun season!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break

We just booked our spring break trip. It had only two requirements.

1. The Sun, with warmth
2. Kid friendly

There seemed only one obvious choice. Can you guess where we're going?

Saturday, March 8, 2014


As an artist I can truly appreciate when I see potential in someone else's work. So without further adieu...

Hudson's artwork.

Rainbow with a raining cloud and sunshine.

Our family, from left to right- Scott, Shelley, Hudson and Madeline. The dots above us are our hair, even Scott got some!

The Solar system, planet earth, it's moon, stars and the sun. 

Washington state. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014